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Write unique features of phylum Mollusca. Give three examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Introduction to Phylum Mollusca:
- Phylum Mollusca is a diverse group of invertebrates known for their unique body structure and features.

2. Unique Features of Phylum Mollusca:
- Bilateral Symmetry: Organisms in this phylum exhibit bilateral symmetry, meaning their body can be divided into two equal halves along one plane.
- Triploblastic Organization: Mollusks are triploblastic, which means their bodies are made up of three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
- Organ System Level of Organization: They possess a complex organ system, indicating a higher level of organization compared to simpler organisms.
- Soft and Unsegmented Body: Mollusks have soft bodies that are not segmented, which distinguishes them from other phyla like Annelida.
- Body Regions: The body of mollusks is divided into three main parts:
- Head: Contains sensory organs and the mouth.
- Visceral Mass: Contains the internal organs.
- Foot: A muscular structure used for locomotion and attachment.

3. Examples of Phylum Mollusca:
- Snail: A common example, known for its coiled shell and slow movement.
- Octopus: A cephalopod known for its intelligence and ability to change color.
- Clam: A bivalve mollusk with a two-part shell that lives in aquatic environments.

Phylum Mollusca is characterized by bilateral symmetry, triploblastic organization, an organ system level of organization, a soft and unsegmented body, and three main body regions. Examples include snails, octopuses, and clams.

