Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain the below points:
Period of revolution

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Doubtnut Promotions Sticky
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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Period of Revolution: The period of revolution refers to the time taken by a celestial body, such as a planet, to complete one full orbit around another body, typically a star or a planet.

2. Example of Earth: To illustrate this concept, we can take Earth as an example. Earth revolves around the Sun in a specific path known as its orbit.

3. Understanding the Orbit: Imagine the Sun at the center and Earth's orbit as a circular path around it. The period of revolution is the time it takes for Earth to travel from one point on its orbit back to the same point.

4. Time Taken for Revolution: For Earth, this period of revolution is approximately 365.25 days. This duration defines one complete year on Earth.

5. Importance of Period of Revolution: The period of revolution is crucial for understanding the seasons, climate changes, and the overall behavior of the planet in relation to the Sun.
