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what is the total number of sigma and pi bonds in the following molecules?
a. C2H2 , b. C2H4

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To determine the total number of sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in the molecules C₂H₂ (acetylene) and C₂H₄ (ethylene), we will analyze each molecule step by step.

Step 1: Analyze C₂H₂ (Acetylene)

1. Structure of C₂H₂:
- Acetylene has two carbon atoms connected by a triple bond and each carbon atom is bonded to one hydrogen atom.
- The structure can be represented as H-C≡C-H.

2. Hybridization:
- Each carbon atom in C₂H₂ is sp hybridized. This means:
- 1 s orbital and 1 p orbital combine to form 2 sp hybrid orbitals.
- The remaining 2 p orbitals (p_y and p_z) remain unhybridized.

3. Counting Sigma Bonds:
- Each sp hybrid orbital of carbon forms a sigma bond with:
- The hydrogen atom (1 σ bond per carbon).
- The other carbon atom (1 σ bond from one sp hybrid orbital of one carbon to the other).
- Therefore, the total number of sigma bonds in C₂H₂ is:
- 2 (one from each carbon to hydrogen) + 1 (between the two carbon atoms) = 3 σ bonds.

4. Counting Pi Bonds:
- The remaining unhybridized p orbitals (p_y and p_z) on each carbon atom overlap laterally to form pi bonds.
- There are 2 pi bonds formed between the two carbon atoms.
- Therefore, the total number of pi bonds in C₂H₂ is 2 π bonds.

Summary for C₂H₂:
- Total Sigma Bonds (σ) = 3
- Total Pi Bonds (π) = 2


Step 2: Analyze C₂H₄ (Ethylene)

1. Structure of C₂H₄:
- Ethylene has two carbon atoms connected by a double bond, and each carbon atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms.
- The structure can be represented as H₂C=CH₂.

2. Hybridization:
- Each carbon atom in C₂H₄ is sp² hybridized. This means:
- 1 s orbital and 2 p orbitals combine to form 3 sp² hybrid orbitals.
- The remaining p orbital (1 p orbital) remains unhybridized.

3. Counting Sigma Bonds:
- Each sp² hybrid orbital of carbon forms a sigma bond with:
- Two hydrogen atoms (1 σ bond per hydrogen, total of 4 σ bonds).
- One sigma bond between the two carbon atoms (1 σ bond).
- Therefore, the total number of sigma bonds in C₂H₄ is:
- 4 (two from each carbon to hydrogen) + 1 (between the two carbon atoms) = 5 σ bonds.

4. Counting Pi Bonds:
- The remaining unhybridized p orbital on each carbon overlaps laterally to form one pi bond between the two carbon atoms.
- Therefore, the total number of pi bonds in C₂H₄ is 1 π bond.

Summary for C₂H₄:
- Total Sigma Bonds (σ) = 5
- Total Pi Bonds (π) = 1


Final Results:
- For C₂H₂:
- Sigma Bonds = 3, Pi Bonds = 2
- For C₂H₄:
- Sigma Bonds = 5, Pi Bonds = 1

