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Compare the properties of broken and unbroken glass. Explain why breaking glass is a physical change.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Properties of Unbroken Glass:
- Unbroken glass is smooth to touch, has a uniform shape, and is typically clear or transparent. It is also strong and can withstand pressure without breaking.

2. Identify the Properties of Broken Glass:
- Broken glass has sharp edges, is rough to touch, and has irregular shapes and sizes. It is also more fragile and can easily cause injury due to its sharp points.

3. Comparison of Properties:
- Smoothness vs. Sharp Edges: Unbroken glass is smooth, while broken glass has sharp edges.
- Shape and Size: Unbroken glass has a uniform shape and size, whereas broken glass has various irregular shapes and sizes.

4. Explain Why Breaking Glass is a Physical Change:
- Breaking glass is considered a physical change because the composition of the glass remains the same before and after the breaking. The material is still glass, just in different shapes and sizes. No new substances are formed during this process.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, while the properties of broken and unbroken glass differ significantly, the fundamental nature of the glass remains unchanged, which is why breaking glass is classified as a physical change.
