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Rayon is different from synthetic fibres because
it is obtained from wood pulp

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks whether rayon is different from synthetic fibers because it is obtained from wood pulp. We need to analyze this statement to determine its correctness.

2. Definition of Rayon: Rayon is a type of fiber that is made from regenerated cellulose, which is derived from natural sources like wood pulp. This means that rayon has a natural origin.

3. Definition of Synthetic Fibers: Synthetic fibers, on the other hand, are made from chemical processes using petroleum-based products. They do not have a natural source and are entirely manufactured.

4. Classification of Rayon: Rayon is classified as a semi-synthetic fiber. This means it is not completely natural (like cotton or wool) nor completely synthetic (like nylon or polyester). It is derived from natural materials (wood pulp) but processed chemically to create the fiber.

5. Conclusion: Since rayon is obtained from wood pulp, it is indeed different from fully synthetic fibers. The statement in the question is correct.

6. Final Answer: Mark (✓) the answer as correct.

