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Mention two important uses of fungi.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Uses of Fungi: Fungi have various important uses in different fields. We need to focus on two significant ones.

2. Use in Fermentation: One of the primary uses of fungi is in the fermentation process. Yeast, which is a type of fungus, is used to produce ethanol. This process is essential in the production of alcoholic beverages and also in baking.

3. Use in Antibiotic Production: Another crucial use of fungi is in the production of antibiotics. For example, Penicillium notatum, a type of fungus, is used to produce penicillin, which is one of the first antibiotics discovered and is vital in treating bacterial infections.

4. Summarize the Uses: Therefore, the two important uses of fungi are:
- Fermentation (used in baking and alcohol production).
- Antibiotic production (such as penicillin).

Final Answer:
1. Fungi are used in fermentation, particularly in the production of ethanol and in baking (e.g., bread and cakes).
2. Fungi are also used in the production of antibiotics, such as penicillin.

