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Derive the conditions for constructive and destructive interference.

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The waves emitted from two coherent sopurces of light can be written as
y1a sinωt,y2b sin(ωt+ϕ)
Where a, b are amplitudes of two waves and ϕ be the constant phase angle between two waves.
As per superposition principle,
y=a sin ωt+b sin(ωt+ϕ)=a sin ωt+b[sin ωt cos ϕ+cos ωt sin ϕ]
y=sinωt[a+b cosϕ]+cosωtb sinϕ
Put (a+b cosϕ)=R cosθ ...(i)
and b sinϕ=R sinθ ...(ii)
y=sinωt(R cosθ)+cosωt(R sinθ)
yR[sinωt cosθ+cosωt sinθ]
y=R sin(ωt+θ) ...(iii)
This resultant wave is simple harmonic wave with amplitude R and phase difference θ.
Amplitude of resultant wave
Squaring and addding equation (i) and (ii), we get
(a+b cosϕ)2+(b sinϕ)2=(R cosθ)2+(R sinθ)2
a2+b2(sin2ϕ+cos2ϕ)+2ab cosϕ=R2(sin2θ+cos2θ)
R=a2+b2+2abcosϕ ...(iv)
This is the expression for resultant wave.
Resultamt intensity of the wave
We know that the resultant intensity is directly proportional to square of amplitude os resultant wave i.e., IR2I(a2+b2+2abcosϕ) ...(v)
For constructive interference
Intensity I should be maximum. So, from equation (v), cos ϕ should be maximum.
or ϕ=2nπ, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3,...
If x is the path difference between the two waves corresponding to phase difference ϕ.
then x=λ2πϕx=λ2π2nπ=nλ
Thus, condition for constructive interference is that, the path difference between the two waves reaching the point should be an integral multi-ple of full wave length.
For destructive interference
Intensity I should be minimum which means from equation (v), cos ϕ should be minimum.
or ϕ=π,3π,5π,...ϕ=(2n+1)π, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3
The corresponding path difference between the two waves will be
Thus, condition for destructive interference is that, the path difference between the two waves reaching the point must be an odd integral multiple of half wave length.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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