Define binding energy of the nucleus. Draw and explain are between binding energy per nucleon and mass number.
Text Solution
Binding energy per nucleon : The average energy required to detach one nucleon from the nucleus is known as binding energy per nucleon. Binding energy per nucleon =B.EA=Δmc2A
Binding energy per nucleon is directly proportional to the stability of the nucleus.
Variation of binding -energy per nucleoli with mass number Binding energy curve is shown in the following figure:
i) Some nuclei with A<20 have large binding energy per nucleon than their neighbouring nuclei.2He4,4Be8,6C12,8O16 and 10Ne20 have more binding energy than their neighbours. Hence, they are more stable.
(ii) For A > 40, binding. energy per nucleon increases gradually upto maximum value of 8.8 MeV. Thus, iron (26Fe56) is most stable nucleus with B.E. per nucleon 8.8 MeV
(iii) For nuclei having A>56 B.E. per nucleon decreases gradually.
The heavy nucleus U-238 have 7.5 MeV B.E. per nucleon. Conclusions
i) The value of binding energy per nucleon is low for both light and heavy nuclei. Hence, they are unstable, (ii) For intermediate nuclei, the value of B.E. per nucleon is, high. Hence, they are more stable.
iii) Binding energy per nucleon of light nuclei with mass-number A =4,8,12,16 and 20 is more than their neighbours. This shows that these nuclei are more stable than their neighbours.
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