What are the. properties of α,β and γ-rays ?

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Properties of α - particles
i) An α-particle is helium nucleus. It consists of two protons and two neutrons.
ii) Their velocities varies from 1.4×107ms1 to 2.2×107ms1
iii) α-partides are deflected by the electric and magnetic fields.
iv) Their ionising power is quite high.
v) They produce fluorescence in materials like.barium platinocyanide, zinc sulphide etc.
vi) Their penetrating power is low.
vii)They affect the photographic plates.
(viii) They get scatteredby thin metallic foils.
ix) They cause artificial radioactivity.
x) They produce heat when fall on a substance.
Properties of β-particles
i) It is a moving electron.
ii) Its rest mass is equal to the mass of an electron.
(iii) Their velocity is of the order of 2.97×108ms1
iv} They are deflected by the electric and magnetic-fields.
v) Their ionising.power is less (1100 times) than that of α-particles.
vi) They produce fluorescence in materials like barium platinocyanide, zinc sulphide etc,
(vii) Their penetrating power is more than that of α-particles.
(viii) They affect the photographic plate.
ix) They produce artificial radioactivity.
Properties of γ-particles
(i) They are electromagnetic radiations.
ii) They are chargeless particles.
(iii) They travels with the speed of light.
iv) Being chargeless, they are not deflected by the electric and magnetic fields.
v) Their penetration power is quite high.
vi) Their ionising power is less than that of α and β-particles.
vii) They affect the photographic plate more than that by α and β-particles.
(viii) They cause fluorescence in substance like willemite.
ix) They produce heat when fall on a substance.

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