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What is plasmolysis ? Describe its significance.

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Plasmolysis. It is the shrinkage of protoplast of plant cell from cell wall, when plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution.
Significance of plasmolysis.
1. It helps in recognizing, ifthe cell is living or dead, becauase it always occurs in living cells.
2. By spraying concentrated salt solution in play. grounds, the weeds get killed due .to plasmolysis.
3. The plants grown in crevices of walls of houses can be killed by adding concentrated salt solution into them. The cells of roots undergo plasmolysis.
4. It gives a warning that fertilizers should be added in proportionate amount in soil, otherwise cells of roots of plants may undergo plasmolysis.
5. It also gives a warning that pesticides should be sprayed in dilute form on plants, otherwise the cells ofleaves may die due to plasmolysis.
6. Jams and pickles contain more sugar and salt respectively so that spores of fungi may not settle on them.
