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What is apolysis? Give its significance.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Apolysis: Apolysis is a biological process that involves the shedding of the neck region of proglottis in certain parasitic organisms, particularly in tapeworms (e.g., Tinea).

2. Location of Proglottis: Proglottis are segments of the tapeworm that are found in the body of the organism. They are responsible for reproduction and contain both male and female reproductive organs.

3. Process of Shedding: During apolysis, the neck region of the proglottis is shed off. This shedding is a natural part of the tapeworm's life cycle.

4. Role of Intermediate Host: The shed proglottis, which may contain eggs, is often ingested by an intermediate host, such as pigs. This is crucial for the continuation of the tapeworm's life cycle.

5. Life Cycle Completion: The ingestion of the shed proglottis by the intermediate host allows the tapeworm to complete its life cycle. The tapeworm can then move from the pig to a definitive host, typically humans, where it can mature and reproduce.

6. Significance of Apolysis: The significance of apolysis lies in its role in the life cycle of the tapeworm. It allows for the propagation of the species by producing new individuals when the shed segments are consumed by a suitable host.

7. Conclusion: Apolysis is a vital process for the survival and reproduction of tapeworms, facilitating their transmission between hosts and ensuring the continuation of their life cycle.

