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Briefly describe the structure of the following: Brain

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1.Olfactory lobes : There are two factory lobes. These are covered by cerebral hemispheres and as such as only visible from ventral side.
Each olfactory lobe has olfactory tract and olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb has a small olfactory ventricle or rhinoecoel.
Functions of olfactory lobes : Olfactory lobes are concerned with smell. In human beings they are less developed, therefore, the human beings have less reliance upon sense of smell.
2.Cerebral hemispheres : There are two cerebral hemisphere. Both are collectively called cerebrum. The two cerebral hemisphere are separated by cerebral fissures. If two cerebral hemisphere are stretched then a transverse band of nerve fibres which connect two cerebral hemispheres is visible. It is called corpus callosum. It is present only in mammals. The cerebral hemispheres extend forward and backward and cover olfactory lobes at front side and at the back they cover diencephalon, midbrain and hindbrain. Each cerebral hemisphere has four lobes:
(i) Frontal lobes : It lies on front side. It controls all voluntary and involuntary movements.
(ii) Parietal lobe: It is the median larger lobe. It is separated from frontal and occipital lobes by fissur es. The parietal lobe receives stimuli of pain, touch, temperature etc.
(iii) Occipital lobe: It is the posterior blobe and is concerned with hearing.
(iv) Temporal lobe : It is present on the side.
3.Cavities of cerebral hemisphere: The cerebral hemisphere have lateral ventricles or paracoels. They are also called first and second ventricles. The paracoels are connected with each other as well as to the third ventricle by Foramen of Monro. The floor and ventro-lateral sides of paracoels are thick and are called corpora striata. The two corpora striata are in terconnected by anterior commissure. The roof and dorsaolateral sides are thin and called pallium.
4. Functions of cerebral hemispheres :
(i) They receive stimuli from different organs of sense.
(ii) They send impulses to different organs of sense.
(iii) They are concerned with intelligence, memory and excitement.
5. Diencephalon or Thalamencephalon .It is covered by cerebral hemispheres and is not visible from dorsal side but can be seen from inferior side. The diencephalon has a cavity called diacoel or third ventricle. The roof of third ventricle is called ephithalamus, the floor is called hypothalamus and sides and called optic thalami. Optic thalami are very thick. The epithalamus is fused with piamater to formi telachorodiea. The telachoroidea is projected into the third ventricle and projections are called anterior choroid plexis. It secretes cerebro spinal fluid. Poste rior to plexus there is pineal body which acts as endocrione gland. It secretes melatonin hormone whicch helps in making skin colour. The hypothalamus is depressed at a point and depression is called infundibu lum. The hypophysis is attached to infundibulum. The hypophysis is called pituitory gland.
The hypothalamus has neurosecretory cells, These cells secrete releasing hormones which stimu late the pituitary gland to secrete hormones.
Functions of diencephalon :
(i) It is a relay centre for all types of sensory inpulses except smell.
(ii) It receives extreme type of stimuli like heat, light, pain etc.
(iii) It controls metabolism.
6. Midbrain has to parts:
(1) Optic lobes : There are two optic lobes. Each optic lobe is divided into two by transverse groove. The anterior is called superior corpora quadrigemina or superior colliculi and posterior is inferior colliculi. The superior colliculi are concerned with eyesight and inferior colliculi are concerned with hearing.
(ii) Curra cerebrae: These are two bands of nerve fibres present.on ventral side. These send impulses from medulla oblongata or spinal cord to thalami. The third pair of cranial nerves develop from crura cerebae.
7. Hindbrain or Rhombencephalon : It has two parts :
(i) Cerebellum : It has three lobes inman. The median lobe is called vermis and has two lateral lobes. It has number of foldings. Cerebellum has a small cavity called cerebellar ventricle.
Function: It is concerned with maintaining the equilibrium
(ii) Medulla Oblongata : It is of small size. The medulla oblongata has a small cavity called fourth ventricle. The roof of fourth ventricle is thin and has three apertures, two are on sides and called Formen of Luschka and one median opening called Foramen of Magendie. The roof has vascular projections called posterior choroid plexus. It secretes cerebro spinal fluid. Medulla oblongata is the most essential part of brain, therefore, it controls beating of heart, move ment of alimentary canal, movement of lungs, move. ment of diaphragm etc.
8. Meninges of brain : The brain is covered by the following meaninges :
(i) Piamater : It is highly vascular and covers the brain. It is the innermost meninx.
(ii) Arachnoid membrane: It lies outer to piamater and there is a gap between the two which is called subarachnoid space.
(iii) Duramater : It is made up of white fibrous connective tissue. It lies outer to arachnoid memmbrane. The gap is called subdural space, there is no epidural space. These spaces are filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
