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In cilia, peripheral doublets are interconnected by radial spoke

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Cilia Structure: Cilia are slender, hair-like structures that extend from the surface of cells. They are composed of a microtubular structure known as the ciliary axoneme.

2. Types of Cilia: There are two main types of cilia:
- Primary Cilia: These are typically single appendages found in structures like kidney tubules and lack the central pair of microtubules.
- Motile Cilia: These have a characteristic "9 + 2" arrangement, consisting of 9 outer microtubule doublets and 2 central microtubules.

3. Arrangement of Microtubules: In motile cilia, the 9 outer doublets are connected to each other by linker proteins, while the central pair of microtubules is enclosed by a central sheath.

4. Role of Radial Spokes: The radial spokes are structures that connect the central pair of microtubules to the peripheral doublets. They do not interconnect the peripheral doublets themselves.

5. Analyzing the Statement: The statement claims that "peripheral doublets are interconnected by radial spokes." This is incorrect because radial spokes connect the central pair of microtubules to the peripheral doublets, not the peripheral doublets to each other.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the statement is false.

Final Answer: The statement "In cilia, peripheral doublets are interconnected by radial spoke" is False.

