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The electron microscopic study of a eukaryotic cilium shows that they are covered with plasma membrane

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Cilia Structure: Cilia are hair-like structures found on the surface of many eukaryotic cells. They are involved in movement and sensory functions. The statement mentions that cilia are covered with plasma membrane, which is indeed true.

2. Microscopic Observation: An electron microscopic study reveals the detailed structure of cilia. Under the microscope, we can observe that cilia have a complex arrangement of microtubules.

3. Microtubule Arrangement: Each cilium contains a central pair of microtubules surrounded by a ring of nine doublet microtubules. This arrangement is known as the "9+2" structure, where there are nine peripheral doublets and two central microtubules.

4. Central Sheath and Core: The central pair of microtubules is enclosed by a structure called the central sheath, which forms the core of the cilium.

5. Radial Spokes: Each of the nine doublet microtubules is connected to the central pair by structures called radial spokes. These spokes help in the coordination of movement.

6. Plasma Membrane: Finally, the entire structure is enveloped by a plasma membrane, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and functionality of the cilium.

7. Conclusion: Thus, the statement that eukaryotic cilia are covered with plasma membrane is correct. The cilium's structure, including the arrangement of microtubules and the presence of the plasma membrane, is essential for its function.

