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Describe the characters of pteridophytes.

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The pteridophytes have the following characters:
1. They are considered as highly evolved group of Cryptogams. They include the earliest plants and are called land plants. Pteridophytes are also known as vascular cryptogams as they possess fibrovascular cylinder made up of xylem and phloem. Both these tissues are responsible for the conduction of food and water. They are thus included as the first group in Tracheophyta. The xylem has no tracheae. Phloem has no companion cells.
2. They are seedless plants.
3. The dominant phase is sporophyte (2N) having roots, stem and leaves. The roots are adventitious. The stem is either underground or aerial. The leaves may be microphylls or megaphylls. Sometimes only leaf is aerial and rest of all parts are underground eg ferns.
4. Mechanical tissue is present.
5. A sexual reproduction occurs by spores formed by meiosis and are called meiospores. The. meiospores may be microspores or megaspores. The ferns are homosporous i.e. all the spores are similar.
5. The spores are formed in sporangia which are borne on leaves or in axil of leaves called sporophylls.
7. The spores germinate to form gametophytes. The germination of spore may be precocious.
8. The gametophytes are generally parasites on sporophytes either partially or completely. However, gametophyte of fern is monoecious and autotrophic. Being autotrophic it is called prothallus.
9. Sex organs are multicellular and jacketed.
10. Male sex organs are called antheridia and female sex organs are called archegonia.
11. The spermatozoids are multiflagellate.
12. Archegonium has either compound neck canal cell or neck canal cells. Neck has four rows of neck cells. 13. Fertilization needs external supply of water.
14. Embryo stage is present.
15. They have heteromorphic alternation of generation.
16. Pteridophytes are long lived plants eg Selaginella, Adiantum, Dryopteris etc.
