Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Give an experiment to demonstrate root pressure.

Text Solution
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Apparatus : Cork, capillary tubing, soft wire, rubber tubing, ring stand, methylene blue solution, herbaceous plant, petridish etc.
Procedure : Take a well water potted plant like that of Tomato, Balsam or Byrophyllum. Cut off the stem 5 to 7 cm above the soil level. Fix a narrow glass tubing having coloured water to the cut end of the stump by means of a rubber tubing. Note the level of coloured water in the glass tubing. Support the latter by means of a stand. Keep the apparatus as such for 1 or 2 hours.
Observation and results: Observe that the level of coloured water has risen in the glass tubing. This is possible only if water is being pushed from below in the root. It is a positive force which is called root pressure. Root pressure can be measured by attaching an instrument called manometer to the glass tubing.
Precautions :
1. Plant should be well watered.
2. The soil should not be deficit in minerals.
3. Glass tubing must be covered by petridish to check direct evaporation of water.
4. Keep the apparatus in cool and humid atmosphere.
5. The herbaceous vigorously growing plant should be taken.
