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Describe various Nutritional disorders.

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Nutritional disorders are :
1. Marasmus : Marasmus occurs in infants (1-2 years) when they do not get sufficient mother.s milk and weaning diet, Such infants are often provided with very diluted cow.s or buffalo.s milk.
Cause : It is a disorder caused by deficiency of food or protein energy malnutrition (PEM).
Symptoms : 1. Thin face 2. sunken eyes 3. Wrinkled thin and dry skin 4. Protruding ribs 5. Reduced digestion 6. Frequent diarrhoea 7. Low weight 8. Little growth 9. Replacement of tissue proteins 10. Poor inental abilities,
2. Kwashiorkur.
Cause : It is a protein energy malnutrition that occurs in children to 1-4 years due to constant reduced protein availability. This can be due to (i) early stoppage of breast milk (ii) late supply of supplementary food (iii) overdiluted milk (iv) maintaining children on cooking water of cereals.
Symptoms : 1. A kwashiorkor child has match stick legs. 2. Protruded or pot belly 3. Blotchy skin. 4. Wasted muscles. 5. Anaemia. 6. Oedema of certain parts and repeated diarrhoea.
3. Obesity :
Cause : It is quite common in persons having higher intake of sweets, carbohydrate rich food, fried edibles, fat rich food and absence of roughage in food.
Symptoms : 1. Obese persons are overweight with excessive accumulation of fat. 2. Movements are reduced 3. There is a risk of diabetes 4. High blood pressure. 5. Cardiac problems 6. The reasons of overeating are psychogenic, physiological, genetic and developmental.
4. Hyper-cholesterolemia :
Cause : It is characterized by high blood cholesterol due to higher intake of cholesterol rich eggs, red meat, butter and ghee of reduced biotin intake. Cholesterol gets deposited on, the walls of blood vessels making their lumen narrow and walls stiffer.
Symptoms : 1. This increases blood pressure or hypertension 2. It leads to other cardio-vascular disorders.
5. Rickets :
Cause : It occurs in children of 6 months to 2 years when their diet is deficient in vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus.
Symptoms : 1. The disorder is due to deficient of ossification of bone ends leading to their bending and swelling of joints.
6. Osteomalacia :
Cause : The disorder occurs in adults when their food is deficient in vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus.
Symptoms : 1, Bones of vertebral column become weak. 2. Pelvic gridle and other bones bend and become soft.
7. Xerophthalmia :
Cause : It is a vitamin A deficiency disorder which is caused by stoppage of lachrymal activity.
Symptoms : 1. Cornca and eye lids become dry and ulcerated,
2. It leads to swelling of dry eye lids and opacity of cornca.
3. Xerophthalmia, if untreated, leads to blindness.
8. Night Blindness :
Cause : (Nyctalopia) dietary deficiency of free vitamin A results in deficiency of rhodopsin or visual rest purple pigment.
Symptoms : 1. The latter impairs the ability to also see in dim light or at night.
9 . Beri - Bero :
Cause : Beriberi is a disbility produced by deficiency of thiamine by excessive intake of polished rice.
Symptoms : 1. It results in loss of appetite 2. Weakening of muscles 3. Fatigue 4. Poor digestion 5. Palpitation 6. Mental confusion 7. Slow reflexes 8. Body rigidity 9. Neuritis 10. There is inflammation of peripheral nerves 11. Weakening of muscles 12. Paralysis and progressive oedema 13. Depending upon the system affected, beri-beri is of five types- dry, wet, mixed, cardiac and cerebral.
10. Pellagra :
Cause : The disorder is due to deficient vitamin nicotinamide (= Niacin – nicotinic acid).
Symptoms : 1. It is a characterized by extra pigmentation 2. Thickening cracks appear in skin. 3. Eruptions in exposed regions of skin 4. Glossitis 5. Swollen lips 6. Peripheral neuritis 7. Irritation 8. Diarrhoca 9. Dementia.
11. Scurvy or (Sailor.s disease)
Cause : Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency
Symptoms : 1. Leads to scurvy due to reduced connective tissue 2. Formation and characterized by bleeding gums 3. Looseness, and falling of teeth 4. Fragile blood vessels 5. Fragile and painful bones 6. Swollen joints 7. Emaciation and slow healing of injuries.
12. Cheilosis :
Cause : Inflammation and cracking of mouth corners due to riboflavin (B2) deficiency.
13. Anaemia :
Cause : It is disorder in which haemoglobin content of the blood is low due to either few red blood corpuscles or their haemoglobin content.
Symptoms : 1. It results in weakness 2. Tiredness 3. Reduced learning ability, repeated infections and even death during child birth.
It is of three types :
(a) Microcytic. Due to iron deficiency leading to fewer and smaller erythrocytes with reduced haemoglobin.
(b) Megablastic. Due to fewer abnormal red blood cells caused by deficiency of folic acid or B12 .
(c) Pernicious. Due to production of haemoglobin free immature RBCs caused by B12 deficiency as a result of deficient intrinsic factor. Sickle cell anaemia and thalassemia are genetically controlled. Anaemia also occurs due to excessive blood loss. The same is called post - haemorrhagic anaemia.
