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Describe the internal anatomy of kidney.

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L.S. Kidney : It reveals following parts:
1. Capsule 2. Renal cortex 3. Renal medulla
1. Capsule : Each kidney is converted by fibrous connective tissue called capsule, Capsule is tough, dark brown coloured. On inner concave side of each kidney, there is longitudinal opening called hilum or hilus renalis. Hilus leads into flat funnel, like space called pelvis. Pelvis is the proximal part of ureter present in kidney. Renal Artery enters into kidney and renal vein leaves the kidney through hilum.
2. Renal Cortex: It is the outer part functional kidney having dotted appearance due to the presence of malpighian corpuscles and convoluted parts of PCT and DCT of nephrons.
3. Renal Medulla : It is the inner functional layer of kidney. It has large number of conical masses called renal pyramids. The renal pyramids have striated structures due to the presence of parallel collecting ducts and loop of Henle. Each renal pyramid has broad base and narrower papillae. The renal pyramids open into minor calyces. The minor calyces open into major calyces. There are only 3 major calyces. The major calyces open into renal pelvis which leads into ureter. The renal pelvis is lined with transitional epithelium.
