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Find the zeroes of the polynomial f(x)=x39x216x+144, if its two zeroes are equal in magnitude but opposite in sing.

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To find the zeroes of the polynomial f(x)=x39x216x+144, given that two of its zeroes are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the polynomial
We start with the polynomial:

Step 2: Group the terms
We can group the terms in pairs:

Step 3: Factor out common terms
From the first group, we can factor out x2:
From the second group, we can factor out 16:
Now we can rewrite the polynomial as:

Step 4: Factor by grouping
Now we can factor out the common factor (x9):

Step 5: Factor the quadratic
The quadratic x216 can be factored further using the difference of squares:
Thus, we can rewrite f(x) as:

Step 6: Find the zeroes
Now we can find the zeroes by setting each factor to zero:
1. x9=0 gives x=9
2. x4=0 gives x=4
3. x+4=0 gives x=4

The zeroes of the polynomial f(x)=x39x216x+144 are:
The two zeroes 4 and 4 are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, as required by the problem statement.
