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Why does a blacksmith heat the metal rim to fix it on a cart wheel?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Process:
- A blacksmith needs to attach a metal rim to a cart wheel. This requires the rim to fit tightly onto the wheel.

2. Heating the Metal Rim:
- The blacksmith heats the metal rim. When metals are heated, they expand. This means that the rim will become larger in size when it is heated.

3. Placing the Rim on the Wheel:
- After heating, the blacksmith places the expanded rim onto the wheel. At this point, the rim is larger than the wheel, allowing it to fit over it easily.

4. Cooling Down:
- Once the rim is in place, it is allowed to cool down. As the metal rim cools, it will contract, meaning it will shrink in size.

5. Final Fit:
- As the rim contracts, it fits tightly around the wheel. This tight fit ensures that the rim is securely attached to the wheel, making it stable for use.

6. Conclusion:
- The blacksmith uses the property of thermal expansion and contraction of metals to fix the rim onto the wheel effectively.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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