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Classify the following as desirable and undesirable changes.
Melting of ice cream

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To classify the melting of ice cream as a desirable or undesirable change, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Definitions
- Desirable Changes: These are changes that occur according to one’s will or desire. They are changes that are generally welcomed or preferred.
- Undesirable Changes: These are changes that occur without one’s will or desire. They are changes that are typically not welcomed or preferred.

Step 2: Analyze the Change
- The change in question is the melting of ice cream. When ice cream melts, it transforms from a solid state to a liquid state.

Step 3: Consider the Context
- Ice cream is usually enjoyed in its solid form. When it melts, it may lose its texture and taste, which many people do not prefer.

Step 4: Classify the Change
- Since the melting of ice cream is generally not desired by most people (as they prefer to eat it solid), we classify this change as undesirable.

- The melting of ice cream is classified as an undesirable change because it is a change that occurs without the desire of most people who enjoy ice cream in its solid form.

