In Fig. the artist has forgotten to put the labels and directions on the arrows. Mark the directions on the arrows and label the diagram using the following labels :
clouds, rain, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, oxygen, plants, animals, soil, roots, water table.
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In figure, the artist has forgotten to put the labels and directions on the aroows. Mark the directions on the arrows and label the diagram using the following labels :
clouds, rain, atmosphere, carbon dioxide, oxygen, plants, animals, soil, roots, water table
View SolutionLabel the following diagram using these labels: Water, carbohydrate, carbon dioxide, oxygen , ATP, ADP+(Pi), NADPH, and NADP+
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Knowledge Check
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Pollution befouls the air and poisons water. Pollution induces the release of toxicants into the biosphere which makes the air unsuitable for breathing,harms the quality of water and soil, and causes the emission of substances that may cause damagae to humans, plants and animals.
To cater to the needs of an increasing population, agriculturre has been intensified through the use of a wide spectrum of fertizilers and pesticides. Diverse industries have been set up to produce chemicals including those that pose a danger to all life forms.
Rapid industrialisation has led to deterioration in the quality of air. Widespread use of coal and fossil fuels in industries and petroleum fuel in motor vehicles has aggravated the air pollution problem. Our atmosphere seems to have become a waste basket into which dust, noxious fumes, toxic gases and other pollutants are callously thrown.
The intensity of air pollution in Indian cities is increasing primarily due to our vintage vehicles and their poor performance. Water pollution, too has increased with the growth of our pollution and also that of our industries. Water pollution has acquired dangerous dimensions ever since sewage and industrial effluents have started being disposed of into the rivers. Once considered sacred, the rivers are now turning murky and stink.It is sad that almost three-fourths of our fellow citizens have no choice but to drink filthy water. The severely polluted rivers due to mindless dumping of sewage and industrial wastes are a cause for concern not only to us humans but also to myriads of life forms that exist in water. On the French and italian rivieras we can no longer see the sparkling blue waters. The Mediterranean Sea is reported to be turning grey. Rivers and canals pour sewage, detergents and industrial waste into the sea, tankers flush their contents near the river or sea, bottles.
rotting garbage and oil slicks are washed into the beaches. The phosphates and nitrates applied to farmlands as inorganic fertilizers, concentrate in lakes and estuaries causing algal blooms due to which wide expanses of water get choked, plants rot, oxygen is used up and fish die.
Since when has water pollution acquired dangerous dimensions?ASince sewage and industrial effluents started being disposed on in riversBSince oil slicks started being washed on the shored of beachesCSince searched rivers became murky and lost their sanctityDSince the Mediterranean Sea started changing colourRead the given passage and answer the questions that follow. Pollution befouls the air and poisons water. Pollution induces the release of toxicants into the biosphere which makes the air unsuitable for breathing, harms the quality of water and soil, and causes the emission of substances that may cause damage to humans, plants and animals.
To cater to the needs of an increasing population, agriculture has been intensified through the use of a wide spectrum of fertilizers and pesticides. Diverse industries have been set up to produce chemicals including those that pose a danger to all life forms .
Rapid industrialisation has led to deterioration in the quality of air. Widespread use of coal and fossil fuels in industries and petroleum fuel in motor vehicles has aggravated the air pollution problem. Our atmosphere seems to have become a waste basket into which dust, noxious fumes, toxic gases and other pollutants are callously thrown.
The intensity of air pollution in Indian cities is increasing primarily due to our vintage vehicles and their poor performance. Water pollution, too, has increased with the growth of our population and also that of our industries. Water pollution has acquired dangerous dimensions ever since sewage and industrial effluents have started being disposed of into the rivers. Once considered sacred, the rivers are now turning murky and stink. It is sad that almost three-fourths of our fellow citizens have no choice but to drink filthy water. The severely polluted rivers due to mindless dumping of sewage and industrial wastes are a cause for concern not only to us humans but also to myriads of life forms that exist in water.
On the French and Italian rivieras we can no longer see the sparkling blue waters. The Mediterranean Sea is reported to be turning grey. Rivers and canals pour sewage, detergents and industrial waste into the sea, tankers flush their contents near the river or sea, bottles, rotting garbage and oil slicks are washed into the beaches. The phosphates and nitrates applied to farmlands as inorganic fertilizers concentrate in lakes and estuaries causing algal blooms due to which wide expanses of water get choked, plants rot, oxygen is used up and fish die.
Since when has water pollution acquired dangerous dimensions?ASince sewage and industrial effluents started being disposed of in riversBSince oil slicks started being washed on the shores of beachesCSince sacred rivers became murky and lost their sanctityDSince the Mediterranean Sea started changing colourRead the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Pollution befouls the air and poisons water. Pollution induces the release of toxicants into the biosphere which makes the air unsuitable for breathing,harms the quality of water and soil, and causes the emission of substances that may cause damagae to humans, plants and animals.
To cater to the needs of an increasing population, agriculturre has been intensified through the use of a wide spectrum of fertizilers and pesticides. Diverse industries have been set up to produce chemicals including those that pose a danger to all life forms.
Rapid industrialisation has led to deterioration in the quality of air. Widespread use of coal and fossil fuels in industries and petroleum fuel in motor vehicles has aggravated the air pollution problem. Our atmosphere seems to have become a waste basket into which dust, noxious fumes, toxic gases and other pollutants are callously thrown.
The intensity of air pollution in Indian cities is increasing primarily due to our vintage vehicles and their poor performance. Water pollution, too has increased with the growth of our pollution and also that of our industries. Water pollution has acquired dangerous dimensions ever since sewage and industrial effluents have started being disposed of into the rivers. Once considered sacred, the rivers are now turning murky and stink.It is sad that almost three-fourths of our fellow citizens have no choice but to drink filthy water. The severely polluted rivers due to mindless dumping of sewage and industrial wastes are a cause for concern not only to us humans but also to myriads of life forms that exist in water. On the French and italian rivieras we can no longer see the sparkling blue waters. The Mediterranean Sea is reported to be turning grey. Rivers and canals pour sewage, detergents and industrial waste into the sea, tankers flush their contents near the river or sea, bottles.
rotting garbage and oil slicks are washed into the beaches. The phosphates and nitrates applied to farmlands as inorganic fertilizers, concentrate in lakes and estuaries causing algal blooms due to which wide expanses of water get choked, plants rot, oxygen is used up and fish die.
Which of the following factors is responsible for algal blooms?AConcentration of inorganic fertilizers in lakesBFarmlands being located near lakes and estuariesCusing up of oxygen dissolved in the water by algaeDRotting of aquatic plants in lakes and estuaries
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.S1: Plants need carbon for building the tissue of their bodies.
S6: Thus through a complex process called photosynthesis, plants receive their requirements from the soil and Sun
P: The breaking up of carbon dioxide into its components requires energy, which they derive from the Bun
Q: Plants other needs of nutrients are derived from the sail and water through their roots.
R: They derive this carbon from the carbon dioxide in the air.
S: They break up the carbon dioxide, absorb the carbon and discharge oxygen into the air for animals to breatha The proper sequence should be
View SolutionYou are given a resistance wire AB connected with a cell and a key as shown in Fig. 9.14. You are required to measure the current in the wire AB and potential difference across it. Name the instruments that you would use and draw a labelled diagram to show how are they connected, Also mark the direction of current in each component.
View SolutionSolve the given crossword with the help of the following clues.
3. Gas formed by burning of carbon and breathed out by animals in respiration.
5. The process of giving off watery vapours from the surface of the pores of leaves.
9. Water suitable for drinking by hụman beings.
11. The change of a liquid into a vapour at a temperature below the boiling point.
15. The change of a gas or vapour to a liquid.
1. Fog polluted by smoke
2. Collection and storing of rain water for future use.
4. A colourless gas forming about 80% of the atmosphere.
6. The process of removing salt from sea water.
7. The continuous process by which water is distributed throughout the Earth starting from evaporation of water from oceans and the land to the atmosphere and then back to the earth.
8. Continuous dry weather.
10. The process by which green plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide taken from air and water into carbohydrates.
12. A gas existing in air and combining with hydrogen to form water. Required for combustion and essential for life.
13. The mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth or some other celestial bodies.
14. A current of air, especially a natural one that moves along or parallel to the ground.
View SolutionRadiations given out from a source when subjected to an electric field in a direction perpendicular to their path are shown below in the diagram. The arrows show the path of the radiation A, B and C. Answer the following question in terms of A, B and C.
Name the radiation which is used in carbon dating.
View SolutionRead the given passage and answer the questions that follow. Pollution befouls the air and poisons water. Pollution induces the release of toxicants into the biosphere which makes the air unsuitable for breathing, harms the quality of water and soil, and causes the emission of substances that may cause damage to humans, plants and animals.
To cater to the needs of an increasing population, agriculture has been intensified through the use of a wide spectrum of fertilizers and pesticides. Diverse industries have been set up to produce chemicals including those that pose a danger to all life forms .
Rapid industrialisation has led to deterioration in the quality of air. Widespread use of coal and fossil fuels in industries and petroleum fuel in motor vehicles has aggravated the air pollution problem. Our atmosphere seems to have become a waste basket into which dust, noxious fumes, toxic gases and other pollutants are callously thrown.
The intensity of air pollution in Indian cities is increasing primarily due to our vintage vehicles and their poor performance. Water pollution, too, has increased with the growth of our population and also that of our industries. Water pollution has acquired dangerous dimensions ever since sewage and industrial effluents have started being disposed of into the rivers. Once considered sacred, the rivers are now turning murky and stink. It is sad that almost three-fourths of our fellow citizens have no choice but to drink filthy water. The severely polluted rivers due to mindless dumping of sewage and industrial wastes are a cause for concern not only to us humans but also to myriads of life forms that exist in water.
On the French and Italian rivieras we can no longer see the sparkling blue waters. The Mediterranean Sea is reported to be turning grey. Rivers and canals pour sewage, detergents and industrial waste into the sea, tankers flush their contents near the river or sea, bottles, rotting garbage and oil slicks are washed into the beaches. The phosphates and nitrates applied to farmlands as inorganic fertilizers concentrate in lakes and estuaries causing algal blooms due to which wide expanses of water get choked, plants rot, oxygen is used up and fish die.
Which of the following factors is responsible for algal blooms?
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