In a p-n junction diode, the current I can be expressed as
where I0 is called the reverse saturation current, V is voltage across the diode and is positive for forward bias and negative for reverse bias and I is current through the diode, KB is Boltzmann constant (8.6×10−5eVK−1) and T is the absolute temperature. If for a given diode I0=5×10−12A and T = 300 K, then
What will be the increase in the current if the voltage across the diode is increased to 0.7 V?
The current I through a junction diode is given as
where I0=5×10−12A,T=300K,kB=8.6×10−5eVK−1=8.6×10−5×1.6×10−19JK−1
When V = 0.7 V,
Increase in current, ΔI=3.03−0.063=2.967A
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View SolutionIn a p−n junction diode, the currect I can expressed as I=I0exp(eV2kBT−1) where I0 is called the reverse saturation current, V is the voltage across the diode and is positive for forward bias and negative for reverse bias, and I is the current through the diode, KB is the Boltzmann constant (8.6×10−5eV/K) and T is the absolute temperature. If for a given diode Io=5×10−12A and T=300K, then
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In a p−n junction diode, the currect I can expressed as I=I0exp(eV2kBT−1) where I0 is called the reverse saturation current, V is the voltage across the diode and is positive for forward bias and negative for reverse bias, and I is the current through the diode, KB is the Boltzmann constant (8.6×10−5eV/K) and T is the absolute temperature. If for a given diode Io=5×10−12A and T=300K, then
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View SolutionIn a p−n junction diode, the currect I can expressed as I=I0exp(eV2kBT−1) where I0 is called the reverse saturation current, V is the voltage across the diode and is positive for forward bias and negative for reverse bias, and I is the current through the diode, KB is the Boltzmann constant (8.6×10−5eV/K) and T is the absolute temperature. If for a given diode Io=5×10−12A and T=300K, then
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(b) What will be the increase in the current if the voltage across the diode is increased to 0.7V ?
( c) What is the dynamic resistance ?
(d) What will be current if reverse bias voltage changes from 1V to 2V ?
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