Four alternative summaries are given below each text. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.
It is important for shipping companies to be clear about the objectives for maintenance and materials management as to whether the primary focus is on service level improvement or cost minimization. Often when certain systems are set in place, the cost minimization objective and associated procedure become more important than the flexibility required for service level improvement. The problem really arises since cost minimization tends to focus on out of pocket costs which are visible, while the opportunity costs, often greater in value, are lost sight of.
A. Shipping companies have to either minimize costs or maximize service quality. If they focus on cost minimization, they will reduce quality. They should focus on service level improvement, or else opportunity costs will be lost sight of.
B. Shipping companies should determine the primary focus of their maintenance and materials management. Focus on cost minimization may reduce visible costs, but ignore greater invisible costs and impair service quality.
C. Any cost minimization program in shipping is bound to lower the quality of service. Therefore shipping companies must be clear about the primary focus of their maintenance and materials management before embarking on cost minimization.
D. Shipping companies should focus on quality level improvement rather than cost cutting. Cost cutting will lead to untold opportunity costs. Companies should have systems in place to make the service level flexible.
The correct Answer is:D
According to the given text, shipping companies should focus on quality level improvement rather than cost cutting. Cost cutting will read to untold opportunity cost. Companies should have systems in place to make the service level flexible.
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(b) यदि Cd की सांद्रता 1M से घटाकर 0.1 M कर दें तो विधुत वाहक बल पर क्या प्रभाव होगा ?View Solutionदो सेलो के मानक विधुत वाहक बल नीचे दिए गये है ।
2Ag+Pt2+→2Ag++Pt, E∘=0.40V
2Ag+F2→2Ag++2F−, E∘=2.07V
यदि सेल अभिक्रिया Pt→Pt2++2e का मानक विभव 0 मान लिया जाए तो ज्ञात करो ।
(i) 1Ag→Ag++e− के लिए मानक विभव ,
(ii) F−→12F2+e के लिए मानक विभव02:29View Solutionतुई ने कार्टून चैनल के माध्यम से क्लोन के बारे में सुना तथा यह जान गयी कि "डाली" एक क्लोन भेड़ हैं । उसने अपने जीव विज्ञान के शिक्षक से चर्चा की , तब शिक्षक ने क्लोन एंव उसकी उत्पत्ति के बारे में विस्तृत रुप से बताया ।
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(ii) पौधों में क्लोन का उत्पादन किस प्रकार किया जाता हैं ?
(iii) तुई ने जीव विज्ञान शिक्षक से क्लोन के बारे में जानकारी क्यों प्राप्त की ?07:52View Solutionक्या आप दस पुनर्योगज प्रोटीन के बारे में बता सकते हैं जो चिकित्सीय व्यवहार के काम में लाये जाते हैं ? पता लगाइये कि वे चिकित्सीय औषधि के रुप में कहाँ प्रयोग किए जाते हैं ?
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