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Discuss the working of hydrogen – oxygen fuel cell. What are the advantages of using this fuel cell?

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Step-by-Step Solution for the Working of Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell

1. Introduction to Fuel Cell:
- A hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy from hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy, with water as the only byproduct.

2. Structure of the Fuel Cell:
- The fuel cell consists of two electrodes: an anode and a cathode, separated by an electrolyte.
- The anode is where oxidation occurs, and the cathode is where reduction takes place.

3. Materials Used:
- The electrodes are typically made of porous carbon, which allows for the efficient flow of gases.
- A catalyst, often platinum or palladium, is used to facilitate the reactions at the electrodes.

4. Electrolyte:
- The electrolyte can be sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH), which conducts ions between the anode and cathode.

5. Reactions at the Anode:
- At the anode, hydrogen gas (H₂) is oxidized:
- This reaction produces water and releases electrons.

6. Reactions at the Cathode:
- At the cathode, oxygen gas (O₂) is reduced:
- This reaction consumes electrons and water to produce hydroxide ions.

7. Overall Reaction:
- The overall chemical reaction for the fuel cell can be summarized as:
- This reaction illustrates that hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, releasing energy in the process.

8. Voltage and Efficiency:
- The fuel cell typically produces about 0.9 volts.
- It can operate continuously as long as hydrogen and oxygen are supplied.

9. Challenges:
- One of the main challenges is the storage of hydrogen and oxygen, which requires high pressure and low temperatures.

Advantages of Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cells

1. Environmental Benefits:
- The primary advantage is that they produce only water as a byproduct, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Reduction in Foreign Oil Dependency:
- Using hydrogen as a fuel can decrease reliance on imported oil, promoting energy independence.

3. Improved Environmental Quality:
- Hydrogen fuel cells are eco-friendly, contributing to better air quality.

4. High Efficiency:
- Fuel cells are highly efficient in converting chemical energy into electrical energy compared to traditional combustion engines.
