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What are fuel cells? Write their advantage and de-merits .

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Definition of Fuel Cells:
1. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of a fuel (usually hydrogen) and an oxidant (usually oxygen) directly into electrical energy through a reaction.
2. They operate continuously as long as fuel and oxidant are supplied, making them a clean and efficient energy source.

Advantages of Fuel Cells:
1. High Efficiency: Fuel cells are generally more efficient than traditional combustion engines. They can convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy with minimal energy loss.
2. Low Emissions: Fuel cells produce water and heat as byproducts, leading to significantly lower emissions compared to fossil fuel combustion. This makes them environmentally friendly.
3. Quiet Operation: Fuel cells operate quietly compared to internal combustion engines, making them suitable for applications where noise reduction is important.

Disadvantages of Fuel Cells:
1. High Cost: The initial investment for fuel cell technology is relatively high due to the cost of materials and manufacturing processes.
2. Handling of Gaseous Fuels: Fuel cells often use gaseous fuels like hydrogen, which can be challenging to store and transport safely.
3. Limited Infrastructure: The infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution is not as developed as that for conventional fuels, which can limit the widespread adoption of fuel cells.
