Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain conduction convection and radiation.

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Conduction: It is a mode of transfer of heat from one hot side of the body to cold side of the body without any actual movement of the heated particles.
Ex : When one end of a metal rod is heated, its other end becomes hot. Here, the heat goes from hot end of the metal rod towards cold end by conduction.
Convection : It is a mode of transfer of heat from one part of the medium to another part by the actual movement of the heated particles of the medium. Ex: Sea breeze, Tradewind, etc.
Radiation : It is a mode of transfer of heat from the source to the receiver without any actual movement of source or receiver and also without heating the intervening medium. Ex: Heat .from sun comes to us through radiation. On standing near fire, we feel hot as heat comes to us through radiation.
