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Namita pumped air into two identical balloons, X and Y and balanced them on a meter stick as shown in the diagram
1. She then pricked the balloon X with a needle.
Diagram 2 shows the observation made by her after pricking the balloon 'X'. Why did the meter stick tilt towards the balloon Y? What does the given experiment demonstrate?
Namita pumped air into two identical balloons, X and Y and balanced them on a meter stick as shown in the diagram    1. She then pricked the balloon X with a needle.    Diagram 2 shows the observation made by her after pricking the balloon 'X'. Why did the meter stick tilt towards the balloon Y? What does the given experiment demonstrate?

Text Solution
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When the balloon .X. is pricked with a needle, air comes out of it. Meter stick tilts towards the balloon .Y. because it still contains air in it and is heavier than balloon .X. which does not contain air. The experiment demonstrates that air occupies space and has weight.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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