Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Describe, how air supports life.

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Air is essential for survival of all living organisms because of the following reasons -
(i) It provides oxygen for respiration which is necessary to take energy from the food for growth and maintenance of the body.
(ii) It provides carbon dioxide which is required by the plants to make food.
(iii) Nitrogen, a component of air, is used by the plants to make protein which is helpful in their growth.
(iv) Air is also necessary to make the Earth suitable for living. For example gases and dust particles in the atmosphere prevent the Earth from becoming very hot and very cool. Ozone layer prevents the entry of harmful ultraviolet rays to the Earth.
(v) Air helps in the dispersal of seeds and pollination of flower and thereby in the multiplication and survival of plants.
(vi) Air plays an important role in the water cycle.
