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Integrate the given function and show your steps.

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To solve the integral x7sin(2x4)dx, we will use the method of substitution and integration by parts. Let's go through the steps in detail.

Step 1: Substitution
We start by letting t=2x4. Then, we differentiate t with respect to x:


Now, we need to express x7 in terms of t. Since t=2x4, we can express x4 as:


Thus, we can write:


Step 2: Substitute into the Integral
Now we substitute x7 and dx into the integral:


This simplifies to:


Step 3: Integration by Parts
Now we apply integration by parts. Let:

- u=t7/4 du=74t3/4dt
- dv=sin(t)dt v=cos(t)

Using the integration by parts formula udv=uvvdu:


Step 4: Solve the Remaining Integral
Now we need to compute cos(t)74t3/4dt. We apply integration by parts again:


- u=t3/4 du=34t1/4dt
- dv=cos(t)dt v=sin(t)

Applying integration by parts again:


Step 5: Combine Results
After performing integration by parts multiple times, we will eventually arrive at an expression involving t7/4sin(t), t3/4cos(t), and constants.

Final Step: Substitute Back
Finally, we substitute back t=2x4 into our result:

=116((2x4)7/47/4cos(2x4)+other terms)+C

This gives us the final answer:

