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Let 5 digit numbers be constructed using the digits 0,2,3,4,7,9 with repetition allowed,and are arranged in ascending order with serial number as.Then the serial number of the number 42923 is

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To find the serial number of the number 42923 when 5-digit numbers are constructed using the digits 0,2,3,4,7,9 (with repetition allowed) and arranged in ascending order, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Count numbers starting with digits less than '4'
The digits available are 0,2,3,4,7,9. We will first count the numbers that start with 0, 2, and 3.

- Numbers starting with 0:
- The remaining 4 digits can be any of the 6 digits (0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9).
- Total = \(6^4 = 1296\)

- Numbers starting with 2:
- The remaining 4 digits can also be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^4 = 1296\)

- Numbers starting with 3:
- The remaining 4 digits can also be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^4 = 1296\)

Subtotal for numbers starting with 0, 2, and 3:
\( 1296 + 1296 + 1296 = 3888 \)

Step 2: Count numbers starting with 4
Next, we will consider numbers starting with 4.

- Numbers starting with 40:
- The remaining 3 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^3 = 216\)

- Numbers starting with 42:
- The remaining 3 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^3 = 216\)

- Numbers starting with 42 followed by 0, 2, 3:
- 420: The remaining 2 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^2 = 36\)
- 422: The remaining 2 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^2 = 36\)
- 423: The remaining 2 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^2 = 36\)
- 424: The remaining 2 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^2 = 36\)
- 427: The remaining 2 digits can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^2 = 36\)

Subtotal for numbers starting with 40, 42, and 423:
\( 216 + 216 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 = 576 \)

Step 3: Count numbers starting with 429
Now we will count the numbers starting with 429.

- Numbers starting with 4290: The last digit can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^1 = 6\)

- Numbers starting with 4292: The last digit can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^1 = 6\)

- Numbers starting with 4293: The last digit can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^1 = 6\)

- Numbers starting with 4294: The last digit can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^1 = 6\)

- Numbers starting with 4297: The last digit can be any of the 6 digits.
- Total = \(6^1 = 6\)

Step 4: Count the specific number 42923
Finally, we need to count the number of combinations that come before 42923.

- Numbers starting with 4292:
- The last digit can be 0, 2, or 3 (but not 3 since we are looking for 42923).
- Total = \(1\) (only 42920)

Now, we add everything together to find the serial number of 42923:
3888 + 576 + 6 + 1 = 4471

Final Answer
The serial number of the number 42923 is 4471.

Updated on:8/8/2024

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