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Number of 4 -digit numbers that are less than or equal to 2800 and either divisible by 3 or by 11,is equal to _____

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To solve the problem of finding the number of 4-digit numbers less than or equal to 2800 that are either divisible by 3 or 11, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the range of 4-digit numbers
The range of 4-digit numbers is from 1000 to 2800.

Step 2: Count the total number of 4-digit numbers
The total number of 4-digit numbers from 1000 to 2800 is:

Step 3: Count the numbers divisible by 3
To find the numbers divisible by 3, we first find the largest 4-digit number less than or equal to 2800 that is divisible by 3.

The largest number ≤ 2800 divisible by 3 is:
Largest=2799(since 2799÷3=933)

The smallest 4-digit number divisible by 3 is:
Smallest=1002(since 1002÷3=334)

Now, we can find the count of numbers divisible by 3 from 1002 to 2799:
Let n be the number of terms in this arithmetic sequence where:
- First term a=1002
- Last term l=2799
- Common difference d=3

The number of terms n can be calculated using the formula:

Step 4: Count the numbers divisible by 11
Next, we find the numbers divisible by 11.

The largest number ≤ 2800 divisible by 11 is:
Largest=2777(since 2777÷11=252)

The smallest 4-digit number divisible by 11 is:
Smallest=1001(since 1001÷11=91)

Now, we can find the count of numbers divisible by 11 from 1001 to 2777:
Let m be the number of terms in this arithmetic sequence where:
- First term a=1001
- Last term l=2777
- Common difference d=11

The number of terms m can be calculated using the formula:

Step 5: Count the numbers divisible by both 3 and 11 (i.e., 33)
Now, we find the numbers divisible by both 3 and 11, which means we need to find the numbers divisible by 33.

The largest number ≤ 2800 divisible by 33 is:
Largest=2775(since 2775÷33=84)

The smallest 4-digit number divisible by 33 is:
Smallest=1001(since 1001÷33=30)

Now, we can find the count of numbers divisible by 33 from 1001 to 2775:
Let k be the number of terms in this arithmetic sequence where:
- First term a=1001
- Last term l=2775
- Common difference d=33

The number of terms k can be calculated using the formula:

Step 6: Apply the principle of inclusion-exclusion
Now, we can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion to find the total count of numbers divisible by either 3 or 11:

Final Answer
The number of 4-digit numbers that are less than or equal to 2800 and either divisible by 3 or by 11 is:

Updated on:8/8/2024

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