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The action of nitrous acid on ethylamine gives mainly:


ethyl nitrite


ethyl alcohol





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To solve the question regarding the action of nitrous acid on ethylamine, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Reactants
We start with ethylamine, which has the chemical structure CH3-CH2-NH2. When ethylamine reacts with nitrous acid (HNO2), it undergoes a specific reaction.

Hint: Remember that nitrous acid is often used to convert primary amines into diazonium salts.

Step 2: Formation of Ethyl Diazonium Salt
When ethylamine reacts with nitrous acid, it first forms ethyl diazonium salt. The reaction can be represented as:
This intermediate is known as ethyl diazonium chloride.

Hint: The diazonium salt is an unstable intermediate that can decompose under certain conditions.

Step 3: Hydrolysis of Ethyl Diazonium Salt
The ethyl diazonium salt can undergo hydrolysis, which involves the replacement of the diazonium group with a hydroxyl group. The reaction can be represented as:
This results in the formation of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and nitrogen gas (N2).

Hint: Look for the products formed after the diazonium salt undergoes hydrolysis.

Step 4: Identify the Main Product
From the hydrolysis of ethyl diazonium salt, the main product formed is ethanol (CH3-CH2-OH), which is commonly known as ethyl alcohol.

Hint: Focus on the primary product of the reaction after the diazonium salt decomposes.

The action of nitrous acid on ethylamine mainly gives ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Therefore, the correct answer is:

Answer: Ethyl Alcohol (Option 2)
