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Explain these points given below.
Coke is sometimes perferred over coal as a fuel.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Coke and Coal:
- Coke is a solid carbonaceous material derived from the destructive distillation of coal. It is primarily used in the production of steel and as a fuel.
- Coal is a natural fossil fuel that is mined from the earth and is composed of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.

2. Calorific Value:
- The calorific value is the amount of energy produced when a substance is burned. It is usually measured in kilojoules per kilogram (kJ/kg).
- Coke has a higher calorific value compared to coal. This means that when equal masses of both are burned, coke produces more heat energy.

3. Heat Production:
- When coke is burned, it releases more heat than the same amount of coal. This makes coke a more efficient fuel for applications that require high heat output.

4. Applications:
- Due to its higher calorific value, coke is often preferred in industrial applications, particularly in metallurgy for smelting iron ore in blast furnaces, where high temperatures are essential.

5. Toxicity:
- Although coke is considered to be poisonous due to the presence of carbon monoxide when it burns, its efficiency as a fuel often outweighs this concern in industrial settings.

6. Conclusion:
- In summary, coke is sometimes preferred over coal as a fuel because it has a higher calorific value, which results in greater heat production when burned, making it more efficient for certain applications.

