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What are insulators? Give examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Insulators:
- Insulators are materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them easily. They have high resistance to the flow of electric current.

2. Characteristics of Insulators:
- Insulators have very few free electrons. Free electrons are necessary for the conduction of electricity. The lack of these free electrons means that electrical current cannot pass through these materials.

3. Examples of Insulators:
- Common examples of insulators include:
- Wood
- Plastic
- Ebonite
- Rubber
- Glass

4. Explanation of Why They Are Insulators:
- The reason these materials are insulators is that they do not have enough free electrons to facilitate the conduction of electricity. The tightly bound electrons in these materials do not move freely, which prevents electrical current from flowing.
