What are pure and impure spectra? State the conditions to produce a pure spectrum.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Pure and Impure Spectra:
- Pure Spectrum: A pure spectrum is characterized by the absence of overlapping colors. In a pure spectrum, each color is distinct and can be clearly identified without interference from other colors.
- Impure Spectrum: An impure spectrum, on the other hand, is one where there is overlapping of different colors. In this case, the colors blend into each other, making it difficult to distinguish individual colors.

2. Conditions to Produce a Pure Spectrum:
- Condition 1: A narrow parallel beam of light should be incident on the prism. This ensures that the light entering the prism is uniform and well-defined, which is crucial for obtaining a clear spectrum.
- Condition 2: The prism should be placed in the position of minimum deviation. This means that the light should pass through the prism at an angle that minimizes the bending of light, allowing for a clearer separation of colors.
- Condition 3: The emergent ray should be focused parallel on the screen. This ensures that the spectrum is projected in a way that all colors are displayed clearly and distinctly on the screen, without any dispersion or scattering.

- A pure spectrum has distinct colors with no overlap, while an impure spectrum has overlapping colors.
- To produce a pure spectrum, ensure a narrow parallel beam of light, position the prism at minimum deviation, and focus the emergent ray parallel on the screen.
