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The following observations relate to the height of a group of persons. Draw the two types of cumulative frequency polygons and cumulative frequency curves and determine the median. Height in cms                                                    Frequency 140-143 143-146 146-149 149-152 152-155 155-158 158-161 161-164 164-167 167-170 170-173 173-176 176-179 179-182     3 9 26 31 45 64 78 85 96 72 60 43 20 6

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To solve the problem, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Frequency Table
We will create a frequency table that includes the class intervals, frequencies, and cumulative frequencies.

| Height (cms) | Frequency (f) | Cumulative Frequency (CF) |
| 140 - 143 | 3 | 3 |
| 143 - 146 | 9 | 12 |
| 146 - 149 | 26 | 38 |
| 149 - 152 | 31 | 69 |
| 152 - 155 | 45 | 114 |
| 155 - 158 | 64 | 178 |
| 158 - 161 | 78 | 256 |
| 161 - 164 | 85 | 341 |
| 164 - 167 | 96 | 437 |
| 167 - 170 | 72 | 509 |
| 170 - 173 | 60 | 569 |
| 173 - 176 | 43 | 612 |
| 176 - 179 | 20 | 632 |
| 179 - 182 | 6 | 638 |

Step 2: Calculate Cumulative Frequency
To find the cumulative frequency, we add the frequency of each class to the cumulative frequency of the previous class.

- For the first class: CF = 3
- For the second class: CF = 3 + 9 = 12
- For the third class: CF = 12 + 26 = 38
- And so on...

Step 3: Create Less Than and More Than Cumulative Frequency Tables
Now, we will create two additional columns for less than and more than cumulative frequencies.

Less Than Cumulative Frequency
| Less Than (cms) | Cumulative Frequency (Less Than) |
| 143 | 3 |
| 146 | 12 |
| 149 | 38 |
| 152 | 69 |
| 155 | 114 |
| 158 | 178 |
| 161 | 256 |
| 164 | 341 |
| 167 | 437 |
| 170 | 509 |
| 173 | 569 |
| 176 | 612 |
| 179 | 632 |
| 182 | 638 |

More Than Cumulative Frequency
| More Than (cms) | Cumulative Frequency (More Than) |
| 140 | 638 |
| 143 | 635 |
| 146 | 626 |
| 149 | 600 |
| 152 | 569 |
| 155 | 524 |
| 158 | 460 |
| 161 | 382 |
| 164 | 297 |
| 167 | 201 |
| 170 | 129 |
| 173 | 69 |
| 176 | 26 |
| 179 | 6 |

Step 4: Draw Cumulative Frequency Curves
Using the data from the less than and more than cumulative frequency tables, we can plot the cumulative frequency curves on a graph.

1. For the less than curve, plot the points from the less than table.
2. For the more than curve, plot the points from the more than table.
3. Connect the points with smooth curves.

Step 5: Determine the Median
To find the median, we need to locate the point where the two curves intersect. The median can also be calculated using the formula:


- L = lower boundary of the median class
- N = total frequency
- CF = cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class
- f = frequency of the median class
- c = class width

1. Total frequency N=638
2. N2=319

From the cumulative frequency table, the median class is the one where the cumulative frequency first exceeds 319, which is the class interval 161 - 164.

- L=161
- CF=256 (cumulative frequency of the class before the median class)
- f=85 (frequency of the median class)
- c=3 (class width)

Substituting these values into the median formula:


Final Answer
The median height of the group is approximately 163.24 cm.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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