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Complete Solutions to REVIEW QUESTIONS of chapter PHOTOSYNTHESIS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name the following :
    The source of `CO_(2)` for aquatic plants

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  2. Name the following :
    The compounds that store energy in the cells.

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  3. Name the following :
    The "Natural purifiers" of the air.

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  4. Name the following :
    The category of organisms that prepare their own food from basic raw materials.

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  5. Name the following :
    The structure where photophosphorylation takes place.

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  6. Name the following :
    Damage of photosynthetic pigments at very high temperature.

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  7. Name the following :
    Point at which the rate of respiration and photosynthesis are equal.

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  8. Which of the following releations is correct ?

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  9. Name the following :
    The ground substance present in a chloroplast.

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  10. Name the following :
    The cell organelle responsible for photosynthesis.

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  11. Name the following :
    That part of the chloroplast where the light reaction of photosynthesis takes place.

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  12. Name the following :
    The process of conversion of ADP into ATP during photosynthesis.

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  13. Name the following :
    The structure where photophosphorylation takes place.

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  14. Name the following :
    The part of the chloroplast where the dark reaction of photosynthesis takes place.

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  15. Name the following :
    Plants that prepare their own food from basic raw materials.

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  16. Name the following :
    The process of conversion of ADP to ATP during the first phase of photosynthesis.

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  17. Name the following :
    Screen used to prove that light is necessary for photosynthesis

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  18. Name the following :
    Process used to remove starch from the leaves.

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  19. Name the following :
    Various sources of carbon.

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  20. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    All green plants are categorized as consumers.

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  21. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    The immediate product of photosynthesis is glucose.

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  22. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    The dark reaction of photosynthesis occurs during night time.

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  23. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Plants pay the price of photosynthesis in the form of respiration.

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  24. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    The oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from `CO_(2)`.

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  25. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Plants that manufacture their own food are termed heterotrophs.

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  26. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Photosynthesis occurs in all the cells of the plant.

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  27. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Photolysis is the process of splitting of water molecules in the presence of grana and temperature.

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  28. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Stomata is stimulated by light.

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  29. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Grana helps in diffusion of gases.

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  30. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Photosynthesis results in the loss of dry weight of the plant

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  31. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    The unit of light absorbed by the chlorophyll during photosynthesis is the proton.

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  32. State whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements in their correct form
    Photosynthesis stops to occur at a temperature above 35°C

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  33. Fill in the blanks in the following equation
    `.....+12H_(2)O underset("Chiorophyll")overset("light energy")to C_(6)H_12O_6+......+....`
    name the process represented by the above equation

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  34. Fill in the blanks in the following equation
    `.....+12H_(2)O underset("Chiorophyll")overset("light energy")to C_(6)H_12O_6+......+....`
    define the process

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  35. Fill in the blanks in the following equation
    `.....+12H_(2)O underset("Chiorophyll")overset("light energy")to C_(6)H_12O_6+......+....`
    mention any two significance of the process.

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  36. Complete the following sentences
    ____________ is an important mineral constituent of chlorophyll.

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  37. Complete the following sentences
    The photolysis of water and fixation of `CO_(2)` takes place in ______ and ________ of respectively.

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  38. Complete the following sentences
    In photosynthesis radiant energy is converted into __________

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  39. Complete the following sentences
    `O_(2)` released during photosynthesis is produced from ____________

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  40. Complete the following sentences
    Reducing power in photosynthesis is ___________.

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  41. Complete the following sentences
    In photosynthesis is ___________ oxidized and is reduced.

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  42. Which one of these reactions occurs during photosynthesis

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  43. Whal the source of `O_(2)` produced during photosynthesis ?

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  44. What is the role of light in photosynthesis?

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  45. Comment upon the following
    `O_2` produced during photosynthesis comes from water.

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  46. Comment upon the following
    All flesh is grass.

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  47. Give reason for the following
    Photosynthesis is considered as a procoss supporting all life on earth.

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  48. Define the following

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  49. Define the following

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  50. Define the following
    Optimum temperature

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  51. Define the following
    `Q_(10)` Law

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  52. Define the following

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  53. Define the following

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  54. Define the following

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  55. Differentiate between the following pairs as directed in the brackets
    Light and Dark phase (Occurs in)

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  56. Differentiate between the following pairs as directed in the brackets
    Chlorophyll and Chloroplast. [Location)

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  57. Differentiate between the following pairs as directed in the brackets
    Autotrophs and Heterotrophs. (Example)

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  58. Differentiate between the following pairs as directed in the brackets
    Photoautotrophs and Chemoautotroph (Example)

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  59. Differentiate between the following pairs as directed in the brackets
    Stoma and stroma (structure)

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  60. Discuss briefly
    Light reaction

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  61. Discuss briefly
    Dark reaction

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  62. Discuss briefly
    Destarched plant

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  63. Explain Photolysis

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  64. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the chloroplast.

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  65. List the events taking place in the photochemical phase of photosynthesis

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  66. if you are planning an experiment to show the effect of light on photosynthesis
    Will you select white light or green light? Justify your answer

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  67. if you are planning an experiment to show the effect of light on photosynthesis
    Why would you select a destarched plant

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  68. Give reason for the following
    Green leaves are thin and broad.

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  69. Give reason for the following
    Photosynthesis is considered as a procoss supporting all life on earth.

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  70. Give reason for the following
    All the food chains begin with green plants.

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  71. Give reason for the following
    Animals owe their existence to chlorophyll.

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  72. Give reason for the following
    Sleeping under a tree at night is not advisable

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  73. Give reason for the following
    All life on Earth is supported by Photosynthesis.

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  74. Give exact location and function of

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  75. Give exact location and function of

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  76. Give exact location and function of
    Guard cell

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  77. Give exact location and function of

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  78. Give exact location and function of

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  79. Give exact location and function of

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  80. Enumerate the steps involved in testing a green leaf for the presence of starch.

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  81. Rewrite the correct form of statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word in the statement
    Destarching a plant means removing the starch from the plant.

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  82. Rewrite the correct form of statement by inserting suitable word/words at right place. Do not delete any word in the statement
    The splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions is termed photolysis.

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  83. Write the full form of NADP and ATP.

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  84. Write in correct logical sequence without changing the first term
    Destarched plant, iodine added, washed in water, a leat boiled in alcohol, placed in sunlight. (Testing for presence of starch).

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  85. Rewrite by inserting a key word in the space indicated by '^'. Photolysis is the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in the presence of and light

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  86. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

    Identify the organelle.

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  87. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

    Name the physiological process occurring in this organelle.

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  88. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

    Mention one way in which this process is beneficial to man

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  89. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

    Name the phase of this process occurring in part labelled 1 and 2

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  90. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

    A chemical substance NADP plays an active part in one of the phases. Give the expanded form of NADP and state its role in the above process

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  91. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of an organelle found in a plant cell. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow:

    Represent the physiological process which is beneficial to man in the form of a chemical equation.

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  92. A candidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours. Then in the early hours of the morning she covered one of the leaves with black paper in the centre only. She placed the potted plant in the sunlight for a few hours, and then tested the leaf which was covered with black paper for starch.
    What aspect of photosynthesis was being investigated ?

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  93. A candidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours. Then in the early hours of the morning she covered one of the leaves with black paper in the centre only. She placed the potted plant in the sunlight for a few hours, and then tested the leaf which was covered with black paper for starch.
    Is there any control in this experiment ? If so state the same.

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  94. A candidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours. Then in the early hours of the morning she covered one of the leaves with black paper in the centre only. She placed the potted plant in the sunlight for a few hours, and then tested the leaf which was covered with black paper for starch.
    What aspect of photosynthesis was being investigated ?

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  95. A candidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours. Then in the early hours of the morning she covered one of the leaves with black paper in the centre only. She placed the potted plant in the sunlight for a few hours, and then tested the leaf which was covered with black paper for starch
    Describe step by step how the candidate proceeded to test the leaf for the presence of starch

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  96. A well-watered healthy potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours. It was then set-up as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At the end of this time, leaf X and leal y were tested for starch. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

    Why was the plant initially kept in darkness for 24 hours ?

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  97. A well-watered healthy potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours. It was then set-up as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At the end of this time, leaf X and leal y were tested for starch. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

    What is the function of sodium hydroxide solution in the fiask?

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  98. A well-watered healthy potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours. It was then set-up as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At the end of this time, leaf X and leal y were tested for starch. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

    Select the correct leaf from the five available choices shown in the diagram as A, B, C, D and E Rewrite the correct answer by filling in the appropriate letter for the questions that follow :
    After the starch test, leaf X would look like ........

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  99. A well-watered healthy potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours. It was then set-up as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At the end of this time, leaf X and leal y were tested for starch. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

    Select the correct leaf from the five available choices shown in the diagram as A, B, C, D and E Rewrite the correct answer by filling in the appropriate letter for the questions that follow :
    After the starch test, leat Y would look like ................

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  100. A well-watered healthy potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours. It was then set-up as shown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At the end of this time, leaf X and leal y were tested for starch. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

    The experiment with leaf Y shows that photosynthesis requires the presence of certain factors. Mention any one factor.

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REVIEW QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter PHOTOSYNTHESIS of EVERGREEN BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 10