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Complete Solutions to Activity Questions of chapter ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Complete the passage.
    Natural _______(a)______ consists of air, atmosphere, water, land, living organisms, etc. Continuous interactions occur between ________(b)_________ and abiotic factors. Their interaction are very important. ________( c )________ is also affecting the natural environment directly of inderctly. Basically, environment consists of two basic factors-1. Biotic factors, 2. Abiotic factors. The science that deals with the study of interaction between biotic and abiotic factors of the environment is called as _________(d)_________ . Basic functional unit used to study the ecology is called as ______(e)________

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  2. Distinguish between Abiotic components and Biotic components.

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  3. With the help of an image, explain energy pyramid in brief.

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  4. Write a note on radioactive pollution.

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  5. What happened after humans established domination over the natue?

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  6. 'The devrais preserved in the name of god in various places are requried in the presents time as well''. Give reason.

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  7. Complete the flow chart and explain them.

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  8. Complete the following table for genetic diversity and species diversity.

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  9. Why do we need Chipko movement even today?

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  10. What happened after UNEP addressed the environment issuse in 1972?

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  11. Write a note on Hotspots of Biodiversity.

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  12. Complete the following and explain giving examples.

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Activity Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of UNIQUE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10