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Complete Solutions to Multiple choice questions. of chapter ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

UNIQUE PUBLICATIONMultiple choice questions.
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. __________ is formed by biotic and abotic factors and their interactions with each other.

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  2. In 1972, United Naions organization conference was held at ___________-

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  3. Which of the following disasters are caused by radioactive pollution ?

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  4. Expusure to radiations such as X-rays may cause __________

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  5. 'There is enough on Earth for everybody's need but not enough for everybody's grred.''. Who said these ?

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  6. Headquarteres of World Wild Life fund is situated In ________

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  7. Around the World, __________ most sensitive biodiversity spots

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  8. Which of the following state does not have Westen Ghats ?

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  9. A group of species that inhabits a particular location at certain time is known as ____________

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  10. Forest converation act ensures _____________

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  11. Which of the folliwing is considered as perfect biogeohemical cycel?

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  12. Identify the consumers that feed upon plants.

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  13. Whih act is meant to perserve and conserve forest ?

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  14. Which state of India has a separte Wildlife Protection Act ?

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  15. Heterotrophs in an ecosytem is also known as ___________

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Multiple choice questions. questions and complete solutions for chapter ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of UNIQUE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10