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Complete Solutions to Fill in the blanks. of chapter ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

UNIQUE PUBLICATIONFill in the blanks.
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Human existence is totally impossible without the existence of ______________

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  2. Occurrence of diversity among the organisms of same species is ______________

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  3. In 1972, ___________ has been established in a conference arranged on human and environmental in which environment problems were discussed.

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  4. Most harmful effect of the environmental pollution occurs on the ____________

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  5. The forest conserved in the name of god and considered to be sacred is called as _____________

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  6. About 1,500 ____________ plant species are found in western ghat.

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  7. ___________ of the Asssam is under threat due to dams and indisciminate use of water.

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  8. Sunderban sanctuary of West Bengal is reserved for ______________

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  9. ___________ (IUCN) prepares the 'Red List' that contains the names of endangered species from different countries.

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  10. ___________ is world's largest organization engaged in enviromental activities.

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  11. __________ has been established in 2010 for effective implementation of environment related laws.

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  12. UV and IR radiations are nutural radiations wheras, ___________ and radiations from atomic energy plants are artificial radiations.

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  13. Environmental balance is maintained due to various ___________ of ecosystem.

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  14. 'The Earth is sufficient to sartisfy everyone's need but not the _____________

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Fill in the blanks. questions and complete solutions for chapter ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of UNIQUE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 10