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Complete Solutions to AIIMS Questions of chapter UNIT, DIMENSION AND ERROR ANALYSIS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZAIIMS Questions
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following pairs does not have similar dimensions?

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  2. The length and breadth of a metal sheet are `1.124m and 0.002m` respectively .The area of the sheet up in four currect significant figure is

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  3. The dimension of torque is:

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  4. Velocity of light of equal to

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  5. Using `mass (M), "length"(L) , time (T)` and current` (A) `as fundamental quantites the demension of permeability is

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  6. Using `mass (M), "length"(L) , time (T)` and current` (A) `as fundamental quantites the demension of permeability is

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  7. `''Parses''` is the unit of

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  8. Dimensions of electrical resistence are

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  9. The magnetic moment has dimensions of

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  10. The speed `(v)` of ripples on the surface of waterdepends on surface tension `(sigma)`, density `(rho)` and wavelength `(lambda)`. The square of speed `(v)` is proportional to

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  11. The speed of light ( c), gravitational constant (G) and plank's constant (h) are taken as fundamental units in a system. The dimensions of time in this new system should be.

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  12. Presure gradient has the ssame dimension as that of

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  13. A physical parameter `a` can be determined by measuring the parameters `b, c, d, and e` using the relation `a=b^(alpha)c^(beta)//d^(gamma)e^(delta)`. If the maximum errors in the measurement of `b, c , d, and e` are `b_(1) %,c_(1)% ,d_(1)% , and e_(1) %`, then the maximum error in the value of `a` determined by the experminent.

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  14. A wire has a mass `0.3+-0.003g`, radius `0.5+-0.005mm` and length `6+-0.06cm`. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of its density is

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  15. In `CGS` system the magnitude of the force is 100 dynes. In another system where the fundamental phyical quamtities are kilogram , meter , and minute, find the magnitude of the force.

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  16. A physical quantity `X `is give by the relation `X = (2h^(3)I^(2))/(2sqrt(n))` The percentage error in the meansurement of k ,I,m and n are `1% ,2%, 3%` and `4%` respectively The value of X is uncertain by

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  17. Assertion : Specific gravity of a fluid is a dimensionless quantity.
    Reason : It is the ratio of ratio of fluid to the density of water

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  18. Assertion: The error in the measurement of radius of sphere is `0.3%`. The permissible error in its surface area is `0.6 %`.
    Reason: The permissible error is calculated by the formula `(Delta A)/(A) = (4 Delta r)/( r)`.

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  19. Assertion : The period change in time period is `1.5% ` if the length of simple pendulum increases by `3%`.
    Reason : Time period is dinesty proportional to length of pendulum.

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  20. Assertion : The quantities `(1sqrt(mu_(0) epsilon_(0)))` is dimensionally equal to velocity and numericallyy equal of light.
    Reason : `mu_(0)` is permeability of free space and `epsilon_(0)` is the permittivity of free space.

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  21. Assertion : When we change the unit of meansurement of a quantities its numerical value change.
    Reason : smaller the unit of meansurement smaller is its numerical value.

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  22. Assertion : The power of an angular depends on mass angular speed torque and angular momentum , then the formula of power is not derived with the help of dimensional method.
    Reason: In mechanics if a particular quantity depends on more than three quantities then we cannot dimensions the formula of the quantities by the help of dimensions method.

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AIIMS Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT, DIMENSION AND ERROR ANALYSIS of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11