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Complete Solutions to Problems Based On Mixed Concepts of chapter UNIT, DIMENSION AND ERROR ANALYSIS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZProblems Based On Mixed Concepts
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The equation of stationary wave is `y = A sin kt cos omega` ,where y and x in second choose the correct option

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  2. A physical quantity `x` depends on quantities `y and z` as follows : ` x = Ay + B tan ( C z)`, where `A , B and C` are constants. Which of the followings do not have the same dimensions?

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  3. If the speed v of a particle of mass m as function of time t is given by `v=omegaAsin[(sqrt(k)/(m))t]`, where A has dimension of length.

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  4. Dimensions of an unknown quantity ,`phi = (ma)/(alpha) log (1 +(alpha l)/(ma))` where `m =` mass, `a=` acceleration and `l = "length"` are

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  5. `int (dt)/(sqrt(2at - t^(2))) = a^(2) sin ^(-1)[[1)/(a) - 1]`The value of x is

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  6. If `(A)/(mu_(0))` has the dimensions `[MLT^(-4)]` what is A?

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  7. In a direct impact loss in kinetic energy is given by
    `Delta K = (M_(1)M_(2))/(2(M_(1) + M_(2)))(V_(1) - V_(2))^(2) (1- k^(2))`
    with usual notations (except k) The quantity k will have dimensional formula

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  8. The dimensions of `(CV^(2))/(LI^(2))` is

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  9. A has travels `x_(1)` when accelerates from rest at constant rate `a_(2)` for some time and after that travels a distance `x_(2)` when declelertes at a constant rate `a_(2)` to come to rest A student established a reletion `x_(1) + x_(2) = (a_(1)a_(2) t^(2))/(2(a_(1) +a_(2)))` choose the correct option (s)

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  10. If `q= q_(0)(1- epsilon^((-_)/(RC))]`here q = electron change R = electric resistence ,C = electric capacitance , The dimensional formula for `square`are

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  11. a quantity `X` is given by `epsilon_(0)L(DeltaV)/(Deltat)` where `in_(0)` is the permittivity of the free space, L is a length, `DeltaV` is a potential difference and `Deltat` is a time interval. The dimensinal formula for `X` is the same as that of

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  12. `v,T, rho` and `lambda` denote ,surface tension, mass density and wavelength, respectively In an experiment v depends on `T,p` and `lambda` respectively .The value of v is proportional to

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  13. If `F = (v)/(C "in" (xb))`then

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  14. If `m,e,epsilon_(0) h` and `c` denote mass ,electron , change of electron, plank 's constant and speed of light , respectively , then the dimensions of `(me^(4))/(epsilon_(0)^(2) h^(2) c)` are

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  15. The number of particles is given by `n = -D(n_(2) - n_(1))/( x_(2) - x_(1))` crossing a unit area perpendicular to X - axis in unit time , where `n_(1)and n_(2)` are particles per unit volume for the value of `x` meant to `x_(2) and x_(1)` . Find the dimensions of `D` called diffusion constant.

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  16. The relation `tan theta = v^(2)// r g` gives the angle of banking of the cyclist going round the curve . Here `v` is the speed of the cyclist , `r` is the radius of the curve , and `g` is the acceleration due to gravity . Which of the following statements about the relation is true ?

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  17. The position of a particle at time `t` is given by the relation `x(t) = ( v_(0) /( alpha)) ( 1 - c^(-at))`, where `v_(0)` is a constant and `alpha gt 0`. Find the dimensions of `v_(0) and alpha`.

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  18. The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as `(P + (a)/(V^(2))) = (R theta)/(V)` where P is the pressure V the volume,` theta`The temperature and a and b are constant .The dimensional formula of a is

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  19. A highly rigid cubical block `A` of small mass `M` and side `L` is fixed rigidly on the other cubical block of same dimensions and of modulus of rigidity `eta` such that the lower face of `A` completely covers the upper face of `B`. The lower face of `B` is rigidly held on a horizontal surface . `A` small force `F` is applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of `A`. After the force is withdrawn , block `A` executes faces of `A`. After the force is withdrawn , block `A` exceutes small oscillations , the time period of which is given by

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  20. Experiment shows that two perfectly neutral parallel metal plates separated by a small distance d sttract eachother via a very weak force, known as the Casimir force. The force per unit area of the plates, F, depends only on the Planck constant h, on the speed of light c, and on d. Which of the following has the best chance of being correct for F?

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  21. A person measures two quantities as `A = 1.0 m +- 0.2 m ,B = 2.0 m +- 0.2 m` We should report correct value for `sqrt(AB)` as

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  22. A student measures the time period of `100` ocillations of a simple pendulum four times. The data set is `90 s`, 91 s, 95 s, and 92 s`. If the minimum division in the measuring clock is `1 s`, then the reported men time should be:

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  23. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is `T = 2pisqrt(L//g)`. Measured value of L is `20.0 cm` known to `1mm` accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90 s using a wrist watch of 1 s resolution. What is the accuracy in the determination of g?

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  24. The currect voltage relation of a diode is given by `1 = (e^(van v//T) -1 )mA` where the applied volied `V` is in volts and the tempetature `T` is in degree kelvin if a student make an error meassurting `+- 01 V` while measuring the current of `5 mA at 300 K` what be the error in the value of current in `mA`

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Problems Based On Mixed Concepts questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT, DIMENSION AND ERROR ANALYSIS of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11