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Complete Solutions to Chapter Test of chapter UNIT, DIMENSION AND ERROR ANALYSIS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZChapter Test
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The dimensions of shear modulus are

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  2. The dimension of `((1)/(2))epsilon_(0)E^(2)` (`epsilon_(0)` : permittivity of free space, E electric field

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  3. In a system of units if force (F), acceleration (A) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensional formula of energy is

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  4. Unit of `(CV)/(rho epsilon_(0))` are of
    (`C =` capacitance, `V =` potential, `rho =` specfic resistence and `epsilon_(0) =` permittivity of free space)`

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  5. The wavelength associated with a moving particle depends upon `p^(th)` power of its mass m, `q^(th)` power of its velocity v and power of plank's constant h Then the corrent set of valume of p,q and r is

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  6. The pair `(s)` of physical quantities that do not have the same dimension

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  7. L,C and R represent the physical quantities inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively. Which of the following combinations have dimensions of frequency?

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  8. A wire has a mass `0.3+-0.003g`, radius `0.5+-0.005mm` and length `6+-0.06cm`. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of its density is

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  9. A body travels uniformly a distance of `( 13.8 +- 0.2) m` in a time `(4.0 +- 0.3) s`. Find the velocity of the body within error limits and the percentage error.

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  10. The fundamental unit of quantity of metter is

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  11. If equation `int (dt)/(sqrt(3a - 2t^(2))) = a^(x) sin ^(-1) ((r^(2))/(a^(2)) - 1)`, the value of x is

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  12. Drift speed of electron inside the metallic conductor is `v_(A) = eE^(y) m^(z) tau` (here, `e =` electronic charge, `E =` electric field, `m =` mass of electron and `tau =` time relaxation). Find the value of `y`.

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  13. If unit of mass become `2` times the unit of length becomes `4` time and the unit of time in the unit of Plank's Due to the unit of plank's constant because n time The value of n is

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  14. A stone lying at rest in a river The minimum mass of stone, `m = krhov^(x) g^(-3)` is needed for remaining at rest here, `h =` constant having no unit , `g =` acceleration due to gravity , `v =` river flor velocity , `rho =` density of water. The value of x is

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  15. A student writes four different expression for the displacement `y` in a period motion
    `y = a sin"(2 pi r)/(T)`
    `y = a sin vt`
    `y = (a)/(t) sin"(t)/(a)`
    `y = (a )/(sqrt(2))[sin'(2 pi r)/(T)+ cos '(2 pi r)/(T)]`
    where `a` is maximum displacement , x is the speed and T is the time period then dimensionally.

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  16. If the unit of velocity is run , the unit of time is second and unit of force is strength in a hyperthetical system of unit in this system of unit the unit of mass is `("strength") //("second")^(2) ("run")^(2)`
    Thus, `x = 1, y = 1` and `z = -1`
    `(y)/(x) = 1`

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  17. If force F velocity V and time T are taken as fundamental units, find the power of dimensions of force in the dimensional formula of pressure

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  18. A student determins a dimensionless quantities `B = (E^(n))/(2 epsilon_(0) hc)` Find the value of `n` (here, `e =` electric charge `epsilon_(0)` electric permittivety of vacume, `b =` Plank's constant and `c =` speed of light)`

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  19. To find the distance `d` over which a signal can be seen clearly in foggy conditions, a railways-engineer uses dimensions and assumes that the distance depends on the mass density `rho` of the fog, intensity (power/area) `S` of the light from the signal and its frequency `f`. the engineer finds that `d` is proportional to `S^(1//n)`. the value of `n` is

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  20. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is `g = (GM)/(R^(2))`. The gravitational constant G is exacity known. But percentage error in measurement of the mass of earth `M` and radius of the earth `R` are `1%` and `2%`, respectively. The maximum percentage error in measurement of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is

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  21. During measurement of kinetic energy T , The percentage error in meansurment of mass of particle and momentum of particle are `2%` and `3%` respectively .The percentage error in measurement of kinetic energy is

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  22. A physical quantity `x` depends on quantities `y and z` as follows : ` x = Ay + B tan ( C z)`, where `A , B and C` are constants. Which of the followings do not have the same dimensions?

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  23. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding significant figure?

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  24. If momentum `(p)`, area `(A)` and time`(t) `are taken to be fundamental quantities then energy has the dimensional formula

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  25. Two resistances `R_(1) = 100 +- 3 Omega and R_(2) = 200 +- 4 Omega` are connected in series . Find the equivalent resistance of the series combination.

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  26. Assertion : Number of significant figure in `0.005` is one and that is `0.500` is three
    Reason : This is became zeros are not significant

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  27. Assertion : `L//R and CR` both have same dimensions
    Reason `L//R and CR` both have dimensions of time

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  28. Assertion : Velocity , cannot be added to speed
    Reason : Both velocity and speed have same dimensions

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Chapter Test questions and complete solutions for chapter UNIT, DIMENSION AND ERROR ANALYSIS of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11