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Complete Solutions to Conservation Of Mechanical Energy And Linear Momentum of chapter WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND COLLISION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZConservation Of Mechanical Energy And Linear Momentum
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A heavy weight is suspended from a spring . A person raises the weight till the spring becomes slack . The done by him is `W`. The energy storeed in the stretched spring was `E` . What will be the gain in gravitational potential energy?

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  2. A body is falling under gravity . When it loses a gravitational potential energy `U`, its speed is`v`. The mass of the body shell be

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  3. A block is mass `m` is dropped from the fourth of an office building and hits the sidewalk below at speed `v` . From what floor should the block the dropped to double that impact speed?

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  4. A cart is set rolling across a level table , at the same speed on every trial. If it runs into a patch of sand, the cart exerts on the sand an average horizontal force of `6N` and travels a distance of `6 cm` through the sand as it comes to a stop. If instead the cart runs into a patch of gravel on which the cart exerts an average horizontal force of `9 N` how far into the gravel will the cart roll before stopping?

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  5. An athlete jumping vertically on a trampoline leaveles the surface with a velocity of `8.5 m//s` upwards. What maximum height does the reach?

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  6. A ball of clay falls to the hard floor. It does not bounce noticeably, and it very quickly comes to rest. What , then has happened to the energy the ball had while it was falling?

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  7. The force constant of a weightless spring is `16 N m^(-1)`. A body of mass `1.0 kg` suspended from it is pulled down through `5 cm` and then released. The maximum energy of the sysytem (spring + body) will be

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  8. A slab `S` of mass `m` released from a height `h_(0)`, from the top of a spring of force constant `k`. The maximum compression `x` of the spring is given by the equation.

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  9. A block of mass `m` sliding down an inclined at constant speed is initial at a height `h` shown the ground as shown in the figure above . The coefficient of kinetic friction between the mass and the inclined is `mu` . If the mass constinues to slide down the inclined at a constant speed how much energy is displaced by friction by the time the mass reaches the bottom of the incline?

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  10. A spring is held compressed so that its stored energy is `2.4 J`. Its ends are in contact with masses `1 g and 48 g` placed on a frictionless table. When the spring in released, the heavier mass will acquire a speed of:

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  11. A truck with mass `m` has a brake failure while going down an icy mountain road of constant downwards slope angle `alpha` (see figure) . Initial , the truck is moving downhill at speed `v_(0)` . After carrying downhill a distance `L` with negligible friction for the truck driver steers the runaway vehicle onto a runway truck rump of constant upward slope angle `Beta` . The truck rump has to soft sand surface for which the coefficient of rolling friction is `mu_(r)`. What is the distance that the truck moves up the rump before coming to a halt?

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  12. A ring of mass `m` can slide over a smooth vertical rod as shown in figure. The ring is connected to a spring of force constant `k = 4 mg//R`, where `2R` is the natural length of the spring . The other end of spring is fixed to the ground at a horizontal distance `2R` from base of the rod . If the mass is released at a height `1.5 J` then the velocity of the ring as it reaches the ground is

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  13. A `1 kg` mass is projected down a rough circule track `(redius = 2.0 m)` placed in vertical plane as shown. The speed of the mass at point `A` is `3 m//s` and at point `B`, it is `6.0 m//s`. How much is work is done on the mass between `A` and `B` by the force of friction?

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  14. Concerete block of mass `m_(A) and m_(B)`. The gravitutional potential energy of each system is zero at the equilibrium position of the springs. Which ststement is true for the total machanical energy of the springs. Which system when the block , are balanced on the springs?

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  15. Block `A` of the mass `M` in the figure is released from rest when the extension in the spring is `x_(0)`. The maximum downwards displacement of the block is (assume `x_(0) lt Mg//k`).

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  16. A raindrop of mass `1g` falling from a height of `1km` hits is the ground with a speed of `50 ms^(-1)`. Which of the following statements is correct? `("Taking" g= 10ms^(-2))`.

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  17. A body with mass `1kg` moves in one direction in the presence of a force which is described by the potential energy graph. If the body is releasd from rest at `x=2 m`, than its speed when it crosses `x=5 m`, is (Neglect dissipative forces).

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  18. A toy gun a spring of force constant `k`. When changed before being triggered in the upward direction, the spring is compressed by a distance `x`. If the mass of the shot is `m`, on the being triggered it will go up to a height of

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  19. A particle of mass `m` moving with velocity `V_(0)` strikes a simple pendulum of mass `m` and sticks to it. The maximum height attained by the pendulum will be

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  20. Two blocks A and B, each of mass m, are connected by a masslesss spring of natural length L and spring constant K. The blocks are initially resting on a smooth horizontal floor with the spring at its natural length, as shown in fig. A third identical block C, also of mass m, moves on the floor with a speed v along the line joining A and B, and collides elastically with A. Then, maximum compression of the spring is

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  21. A bomb of mass `9 kg` explodes into `2` pieces of mass `3 kg` and `6 kg`. The velocity of mass `3 kg is 1.6 m//s`. The `K.E. of mass 6 kg` is

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  22. A sphere of mass `m` , moving with velocity `V`, enters a hanging bag of sand and stop. If the mass of the bag is `M` and it is raised by height `h`, then the velocity of the sphere will be

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  23. A free body of mass `8 kg` is travelling at `2` mater per second in a straight line. At a certain instant , the body splits into two equal parts due to internal wxplosion which releases `16 joules of energy . Neither part leves the original line of motion. Finally

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  24. A body of mass `4kg` is moving with momentum of `8kg m s^(-1)` A force of `0.2N` acts on it in the direction of motion of the body for `10 s` The increases in kinetic energy is

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Conservation Of Mechanical Energy And Linear Momentum questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND COLLISION of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11