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Complete Solutions to Mechanical Power of chapter WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND COLLISION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZMechanical Power
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Water is falling on the blades of a turbine from a height of `25 m`. `3 xx 10^(3) kg` of water pours on the blade per minute. If the whole of energy is transferred to the turbine, power delivered is `g = 9.8 m//s^(2)`

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  2. What average power is genereted by a `90.0 kg` mountain climbs who climbs a summit of height `600 m` in `90.0 min`?

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  3. A constant power `P` is applied to a partical of mass `m`. The distance travelled by the partical when its velocity increases from `v_(1)` to `v_(2)` is (neglect friction):

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  4. An `800 N` marine in basic training climbs a `12.0 m` vertical rope at a constant speed in `8.00 s`. What is his power output?

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  5. When an automobile moves with constant speed down a highway , most of the power developed by the engain is used to compensate on the car by the air and the road, friction forces exerted on the car by the air and the road. If the power developed by an engine is `175 hp`, estimate the total friction force (apporox) acting on the car when it is moving at a speed of `25 m//s`. One horsepower equals `746 W`.

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  6. A certain rain cloud at an altitude of `2.0 km` contains `3.6 xx 10^(7) kg` of water vapour. How long would it take a `2.0 kW` pump to raise the same amount of water from the Earth's surface to the cloud's position?

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  7. An elastic scooter has a bettery capable of supplying `120 Wh` of energy. If friction force and other losses account for `60.0%` of the energy usage , what altitude change can a rider achieve when driving in hilly terrain if the rider and sector have a combined weight of `900 N`?

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  8. An older-model car accelerates from `0` to speed `v` in a time interval of `Delta t`. A newer, more powerful sports car accelerates from `0 to 2v` in the same time period. Assuming the energy coming from the engine appears only as kinetic energy of the cars. Choose correct statement.

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  9. An engine accelerate a car of mass `800 kg` to a speod of `72 km//h`. If the frictional force is `10 N` per tonne, the power developed by the engine is:

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  10. A train having `60` wagons each weighing `25` tonnes moving with a speed of `72 km//h`. If the force `10 N` per tonne, the power development is:

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  11. An athlete mass `60 kg` skips at the rete of `20` steps per minute through an aberage height of `25 cm` . The power devolepment is:

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  12. The power of a heart which pumps `5 xx 10^(3)` cc of blood per minute at a pressure of `120 mm` of mercury `(g = 10 ms^(-2)` and density of `Hg = 13.6 xx 10^(3) km^(3))` is

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  13. The human heart discharges `75 cm^(3)` of blood per beat against an average pressure of `10 cm` of `Hg`. Assuming that the pulse frequency is `75` per minute, the power of the heart is (density of `Hg = 13.6 gm cm^(-3)`)

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  14. A body of mass `m` is acceleratad uniformaly from rest to a speed `v` in a time `T` . The instanseous power delivered to the body as a function of time is given by

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  15. A man `M_(1)` of mass `80 kg` runs up a staircase in `15 s`. Another man `M_(2)` also of mass `80 kg` runs up the same staircase in `20 s`. The ratio of the power development by then will be:

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  16. An engine pumps up `100 kg` water through a height of `10 m` in `5 s`. If effcienecy of the engine is `60%`. What is the power of the engine? `Take g = 10 ms^(2)`.

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  17. A pump motor is used to deliver water at a certain rate from a given pipe. To obtain 'n' times water from the same pipe in the same time by what amount (a) the force and (b) power of the motor should be increased ?

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  18. A pump motor is used to deliver water at a certain rate from a given pipe. To obtain 'n' times water from the same pipe in the same time, by what amount the power of the motor should be increased?

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  19. For power to constant, the force has to very with speed as:

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  20. Power supplied to a mass 2 kg varies with time as `P = (3t^(2))/(2)` watt. Here `t` is in second. If velocity of particle at `t = 0` is `v = 0`, the velocity of particle at time `t = 2s` will be:

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  21. A constant power `P` is applied to a particle of mass `m`. The distance traveled by the particle when its velocity increases from `v_(1)` to `v_(2)` is (neglect friction):

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  22. An elevator can carry a maximum load of `1800 kg` (elevator + passengers) is moving up with a constant speed of `2 ms^(-1)`. The frictional force opposing the motion is `4000 N`. What is minimum power delivered by the motor to the elevator?

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  23. A crane lifts a mass of `100 kg` to a height of `10m` in `20s`. The power of the crane is `(Take g = 10 ms^(-2))`

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  24. A `30m` deep well is having water upto `15 m`. An engine evacutes it in one hour . The power of the engine. If the diameter of the well is `4m` is

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  25. A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump of water to fill a tank of voilume `30 m^(3)` in `15 min`. If the tank is `40m` above the ground and the efficiency of the pump is `30 %` , how much elertric power is consumed by the pump? `("Take" g = 10 ms^(2))`

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Mechanical Power questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND COLLISION of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11