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Complete Solutions to Collision of chapter WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND COLLISION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When two bodies collide elastic, then:

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  2. During inclined collision of two particle

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  3. Two ball at the same temperature collide which is consved?

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  4. In perfectily inelastaic collition the relative velocity of the bodies

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  5. A body just droppeed from a tower explodes into two placed of equal mass in mid -air which of the following is not posible?

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  6. An inelestc ball of mass `m` moves at speed a toward mother ineclasits ball of mass `m` at rest They collide and stick togather both moving at speed is nothing else is known about the condition under which the collision take plane which of the fpllowing statement is the most correct?

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  7. Which of the following statement is true concening the elastic collision of two object (It is given that no net external force acts on the system of two object and the do not exen force on each other exept during collision)

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  8. During a collision between a closed system of particle in the absence of exerted force

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  9. If `u_(1)` and `u_(2)` be the initial velocity and `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` be the final velocities of the colliding partical then we define coefficient of restitution `e` as:
    `e = (v_(1) - v_(2))/(u_(1) - u_(2))`
    For perfectly inelastic collision 'e' is

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  10. A ball of mass `M_(1)` collides elastically and head on with another ball of mass `M_(2)` initially at rest . In which the following cases the transfer of momentum will be maximum?

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  11. A billiard ball moving with a speed of `5 m//s` collides with an identical ball, originally at rest. If the first ball stop dead after collision, then the second ball will move forward with a speed of:

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  12. A body is allowed to fall on the ground from a height `h_(1)`. If it is rebound to a height `h_(2)` then the coefficient of restitution is:

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  13. A ball is let fall from a height `h_(0)`. There are `n` collisions with the earth. If the velocity of rebound after `n` collision is `v_(n)` and the ball rises to a height `h_(n)` then coefficient of restitution `e` is given by

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  14. A body `X` with a momentum `p` collides with another identical stationary body `Y` one dimensionally. During the collision, `Y` gives an impulse `J` to body `X`. Then coefficient of restitution is

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  15. A pendulum consists of a wooden bob of mass `m` and of length `L`. A bullet of mass `m_(1)` is fired towards the pendulum with a speed `v_(1)`. The bullet emerges out of the bob with a speed `v_(1)//3` and the just completes motion along a vertical circle. Then `v_(1)` is:

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  16. Two pendulum each of length `l` are initial situated as shown in figure. The first pendulum is released and strikes the second . Assume that the collision is completely inelastic and neglect the mass of the string and any frictional effects. How high does the center of mass rise after the collision?

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  17. A mass 'm' moves with a velocity 'v' and collides inelastieally with another identical mass . After collision the `1^(st)` mass moves with velocity `v/sqrt3` in a direction perpendicular to the initial direction of motion. Find the speed of the `2^(nd)` mass after collision.
    `undersetunderset ((before),(collision))(m)(*rarr) underset(m)* uparrow v//sqrt3 underset((after),(collision):)`

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  18. A ball is projected vertically down with an initial velocity from a height of `20 m` onto a horizontal floor. During the impact it loses `50%` of its energy and rebounds to the same height. The initial velocity of its projection is

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  19. A partical falls from a height `h` upon a fixed horizontal plane and rebounds. If `e` is the coefficient of restitution, the total distance travelled before rebounding has stopped is

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  20. The bob `A` of a simple pendulum is released when the string makes an angle of `45^(@)` with the vertical. It hits another bob `B` of the same meterial and same mass kept at rest on the table. If the collision is elastic, then

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  21. Two particle moving in the same direction with speeds `4 m//s` and `2m//s` collide elastically (the collision being head on). After collision , the velocity of first particle becomes `3 m//s` in the same direction . The velocity of the second should be

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  22. Body `A `of mass `m` and `B` of mass `3m` move towards each other with velocities `V and 2 V` respectivally from the positions as shown , along a smooth horizontal circule track of redius `r`. After the first elastic collision , they will collide again after the time:

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  23. A ball of mass `m` is moving normally towards a walll of mass `M(gt gt m)` with the velocity `4 m//s`. The wall is also moving. After striking elastically with the wall , velocity of ball becomes `8 m//s`. Find the speed of the wall:

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  24. The velocity vector of a sphere after it hits a vertical wall which is pallel to `hatj` is `(-hati + 3hatj)` on a smooth horizontal surface. The coefficient of restitution between ball and wall is `(1//2)`. Final the velocity vector of sphere immediately before collision.

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  25. A partical of mass `m_(1)` collides head on with a stationary partical of mass `m_(2)`. If `(m_(1))/(m_(2)) gt e` where `e` is the coefficient of restitution, then :

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  26. A ball of mass `1 kg` strikes a heavy platform, elastically, moving upwards with a velocity of `5 m//s`. The speed of the ball just before the collision is `10 m//s` downwards. Then the impulse imparted by the platform on the ball is :-

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  27. The sphere `A` of mass `m_(1)` moves with velocity `V` on a frictionless horizontal surface and strikes with sphere `B` of mass `m_(2)` at rest. The sphere `A` comes back with speed `V//10`. Choose the correct option.

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  28. A sphere `A` of mass `m` moving with a velocity hits another stationary sphere `B` of same mass. If the ratio of the velocity of the sphere after collision is `(v_(A))/(v_(B)) = (1 - e)/(1 + e)` where `e` is the cofficient of restitution, what is the initial
    velocity of sphere `A` with which it strikes?

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  29. A ball strickes a horizontal floor at `45^(@). 25%` of its kinetic energy is lost in collision. Find the coefficient of restitution.

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  30. `N` identical balls are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. An another ball of same mass collides elastically with velocity `u` with first ball of `N` balls. A process of collision is thus started in which first ball collides with second ball and the with the third ball and so on. The coefficient of restitution for each collision is `e`. Find the speed of `Nth` ball.

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  31. A plank of mass `m` moving with a velocity `v` along a frictionless horizontal track and a body of mass `m//2` moving with `2v` collides with plank elastically. Final speed of the plank is:

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Collision questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND COLLISION of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11