Complete Solutions to Subjective of chapter SUPERPOSITION AND STANDING WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two wires of different linear mass densities are soldered together end to end and then stretched under a tension F. The wave speed in the first wire is thrice that in the second. If a harmonic wave travelling in the first wire is incident on the junction of the wires and if the amplitude of the incident wave is A=13cm, find the amplitude of reflected wave.

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  2. The pulse shown in Fig. has a speed of 5cm/s. If the linear mass of the right string is 0.5 that of the left string , find the ratio of height of the transmitted pulse to that of incident pulse.

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  3. A 40cm long wire having a mass 3.2g and area of cross - section 1mm2 is stretched between the support 40.05cm apart. In its fundamental mode , it vibrates with a frequency 1000/64Hz. Find the young's modulus of the wire.

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  4. A 3m long organ pipe both at both ends is driven to third harmonic standing wave . If the amplitude of pressure oscillation is 0.1% of the mean atmospheric pressure (P0=105N/m2). Find the amplitude of
    i. particle oscillation and
    ii. density oscillation.
    Speed of sound v=330m/s,densityofairρ0=1.0kg/m3

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  5. Sound from coherent sources S1andS2 are sent in phase and detected at point P equidistant from both the sources . Speed of sound in normal air in V0, but in some part in path S1 , there is a zone of hot air having temperature 4× , the normal temperature , and width d. What should be minimum frequency of sound , so that minima can be found at P?

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  6. A bat emits ultrasonic sound of frequency 1000kHz in air . If the sound meets a water surface , it gets partially reflected back and partially refracted (transmitted) in water . What would be the difference of wavelength transmitted to wavelength reflected (speed of sound in air =330m/s, Bulk modulus of water =2.25×109,ρwater=1000kg/m3).

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  7. Figure 7.75 shows a tube structure in which a sound signal is bent from one end and is received at the other end . The semicircular part has a radius of 20.0cm. The frequency of the sound source can be varied electronically between 1000and4000Hz. Find the frequencies at which maxima of intensity are detected. The speed of sound in air =340m/s.

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  8. A source emitting sound of frequency 180Hz is placed in front of a wall at distance of 2m from it . A detector is also placed in front of the wall at the same distance from it. Find the minimum distance between the source and the detector for which the detector detects a maximum of sound. Speed of sound in air =360m/s.

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  9. Two coherent narrow slits emitting wavelength λ in the same phase are placed parallel to each other at a small separation of 2λ, the sound is detected by moving a detector on the screen S at a distance D(>>λ) from the slit S1 as shown in Fig. 7.76. Find the distance x such that the intensity at P is equal to the intensity at O.

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  10. The following equation represents standing wave set up in a medium ,
    where xandy are in cm and t in second. Find out the amplitude and the velocity of the two component waves and calculate the distance adjacent nodes . What is the velocity of a medium particle at x=3cm at time 1/8s?

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  11. A wave is given by the equation
    Find the loop length , frequency , velocity and maximum amplitude of the stationary wave produced.

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  12. A set of 56tuning forks is arranged in a sequence of increasing frequencies . If each fork gives 4beats/s with the preceding one and the last fork is found to be an octave higher of the first , find the frequency of the first fork.

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  13. Two tuning forks AandB are sounded together and 8beats/s are heard . A is in resonance with a column of air 32cm long in a pipe closed at one end and B is increased by one cm. Calculate the frequency of fork .

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  14. A certain fork is found to give 2beats/s when sounded in conjuction with a stretched string vibrating transversely under a tension of either 10.2or9.9kgweight. Calculate the frequency of fork.

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  15. The two parts of a sonometer wire divided by a movable knife edge , differ in length by 2mm and produce 1beat/s , when sounded together . Find their frequencies if the whole length of wire is 1.00m.

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  16. Two tuning forks AandB give 18beatsin2s. A resonates with one end closed air column of 15cm long and B with both ends open column of 30.5 long. Calculate their frequencies.

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  17. Six antinodes are observed in the air column when a standing wave forms in a Kundt's tube . What is the length of the air column if steel bar of 1m length is clamped at the middle .
    The velocity of sound in steel is 5250m/s and in air 343m/s.

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  18. A column of air at 51C and a tuning fork produce 4 beats per second when sounded together. As the temperature of the air column is decreased, the number of beats per second tends to decrease and when the temperature is 16C the two produce 1 beat per second. Find the frequency of the tuning fork.

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  19. A uniform horizontal rod of length 40 cm and mass 1.2 kg is supported by two identical wires as shown in figure. Where should a mass of 4.8 kg be placed on the rod so that the same tuning fork may excite the wire on left into its fundamental vibrations and that on right into its first overtone ? Take g=10ms-2

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  20. A sonometer wire under tension of 128N vibrates in resonance with a tuning fork . The vibrating portion of sonometer wire has length of 20cm and mass 1g. The vibrating wire at constant speed of 0.75m/s and an observer standing near the sonometer hear 1beat/s. Find the speed of sound in air.

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  21. A rod of nickel of length l is clamped at its midpoint . The rod is stuck and vibrations are set up in the rod . Find the general expression for the frequency of the longitudinal vibrations of the rod . Young's modulus and density of the rod is Yandρ , respectively.

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  22. A string is stretched by a block going over a pulley . The string vibrates in its fifth harmonic in unison with a particular tuning fork . When a beaker containing a liquid of density ρ is brought under the block so that the block is completely dipped into the beaker , the string vibrates in its seventh harmonic in unison with the tuning fork . Find the density of the material of the block.

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  23. An audio oscillator capable of producing notes of frequencies ranging from 500Hzto1500Hz is placed constant tension T. The linear mass density of the wire is 0.75g/m. It is observed that by varying the frequency of the oscillator over the given permissible rang the sonometer wire sets into vibration at frequencies 840Hzand1120Hz.
    a. Find the tension in the string .
    b. What are the frequencies of the first and fourth overtone produced by the vibrating string?

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  24. A closed orgain pipe of length l0 is resonating in 5th harmonic mode with rod clamped at two points l and 3l from one end. If the length of the rod is 4l and it is vibrating in first overtone. Find the length of the rod. [Velocity of sound in air =vs Young's modulus for the rod Y and density ρ]

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Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter SUPERPOSITION AND STANDING WAVES of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11