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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter DIMENSIONS & MEASUREMENT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Convert Newton into dyne.

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  2. The SI and CGS units of energy are joule and erg respectivel. How many ergs are equal to one joule.

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  3. Convert gravitational constant (G) from CGS t o MKS system.

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  4. In `CGS` system the magnitude of the force is 100 dynes. In another system where the fundamental phyical quamtities are kilogram , meter , and minute, find the magnitude of the force.

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  5. To determine the young's modulus of a wire , the formula is ` Y = (F)/( A) . (L)/ ( Delta l)` , where `L` = l ength ,` A` = area of cross - section of the wire , `DeltaL` = change in the length of the wire when streched with a force `F`. Find the conversion factor to change it from CGS t o MKS system.

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  6. A calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about `4.2 J, where 1 J = 1 kg m^(2) s^(-2)`. Suppose we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass equals `alpha kg`, the unit of length equals is `beta m` , the unit of time is `gamma s`. Show tthat a calorie has a magnitude `4.2 alpha^(-1) beta^(-1) gamma^(2)` in terms of the new units.

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  7. Convert `54 km h^(-1)` into `m s^(-1)`.

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  8. Let us check the dimensional correctness of the relation ` v = u + at`.

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  9. Test dimensionally if the `v^2=u^2+2ax` may be correct.

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  10. Check whether the relation `S = ut + (1)/(2) at^(2)` is dimensionally correct or not , where symbols have their usual meaning .

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  11. Find out the unit and dimensions of the constants `a and b` in the van der Waal's equation `( P + (a)/(V^(2))) ( V - b ) = R t`, where `P` is pressure , `v` is volume , `R` is gas constant , and `T` is temperature.

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  12. A famous relation in phyics relates the moving mass ` m` to the rest mass `m_(0)` of a particle in terms of its speed `v` and the speed of light `c`.( This relation first arose as a consequence of the special theory of relativity due to Albert Einstein). A body recalls the relation almost correctly but forgets where to put the constant `c` . He writes `m = (m_(0))/((1- V^(2))^(1//2))`. Guess where to put the missing `c`.

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  13. If the centripetal force is of the form `m^a v^b r^c`, find the valus of a,b, and c.

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  14. Experiments reveal that the velocity `v` of water waves may depend on their wavelength `lambda`, density of water `rho`, and acceleration due to gravity `g`. Establish a possible relation between `v and lambda , g, rho`.

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  15. If the velocity of light `(c )` , gravitational constant `(G)` , and Planck's constant `(h)` are chosen as fundamental units , then find the dimensions of mass in new system.

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  16. If Velocity `(V) , force(F) , and time (T)` are chosen as fundamental quantities , express `(a) mass and (b)` energy in terms of `V,F, and T`.

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  17. Each side of a cube is measured to be `7.203 m` . Find the volume of the cube up to appropriate significant figures.

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  18. The mass of a box is `2.3 kg`. Two marbles of masses `2.15 g and 12.39 g` are added to it . Find the total mass of the box to the correct number of significant figures.

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  19. Repeated observations in an experiment gave the values `1.29 , 1.33 , 1.34 , 1.35 , 1.32 , 1.36, 1.30, and 1.33`. Calculate the mean value, absolute eror , relative error, and percentage error.

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  20. A physical parameter `a` can be determined by measuring the parameters `b, c, d, and e` using the relation `a=b^(alpha)c^(beta)//d^(gamma)e^(delta)`. If the maximum errors in the measurement of `b, c , d, and e are b_(1) %,c_(1)% ,d_(1)% , and e_(1) %`, then the maximum error in the value of `a` determined by the experminent.

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  21. The relative density of material of a body is found by weighting it first in air and then in water . If the weight in air is `( 5.00 +- 0.05) N` and the weight in water is `(4.00 +- 0.05) N`. Find the relative density along with the maximum permissible percentage error.

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  22. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum in the experiment is recorded as `2.63 s , 2.56 s , 2.42 s , 2.71 s , and 2.80 s`. Find the average absolute error.

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  23. If there is a positive error of ` 50%` in the measurement of velocity of a body , find the error in the measurement of kinetic energy.

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  24. The initial and final temperatures of water as recorded by an observer are `( 40.6 +- 0.2)^(@) C and ( 78.9 +- 0.3 )^(@) C`. Calculate the rise in temperature with proper error limits.

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  25. The length and breadth of a rectangle are `( 5.7 +- 0.1 ) cm and ( 3.4 +- 0.2 ) cm`, respectively calculate the area of rectangle with error limits.

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  26. A physical quantity `x` is calculated from the relation `x = ( a^(2) b^(3))/(c sqrt( d))`. If the percentage error in `a, b , c , and d are 2% , 1% , 3%, and 4%`, respectively , what is the percentage error in `x`?

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  27. The length and breadth of a field are measured as : `l = ( 120 +- 2) m and b = ( 100 +- 5) m` , respectively. What is the area of the field?

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  28. In an experiment of simple pendulum , the time period measured was `50 s for 25` vibrations when the length of the simple pendulum was taken `100 cm`. If the least count of stop watch is `0.1 s` and that of meter scale is `0.1 cm`. Calculate the maximum possible error in the measurement of value of `g`. If the actual value of `g` at the place of experiment is `9.7720 m s^(-2) ` , Calculate the percentage error.

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  29. The displacement covered by a body in time `(5.0 +- 0.6) s is ( 40.4 +- 0.4 ) m`. Calculate the speed of the body . Also determine the percentage error in the speed.

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  30. If all measurements in an experiment are taken up to the same number of significant figures , then mention two possible reasons for maximum error.

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  31. In resonance tube exp we find `l_(1) = 25.0 cm` and `l_(2) = 75.0cm` The least count of the scale used to measure l is `0.1cm` If there is no error in frequency What will be max permissible error in speed of sound (take `f_(0) = 325 Hz)` .

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  32. If the measured value of resistance `R = 1.05 Omega`, wire diameter ` d = 0.60 mm` , and length `l = 75.3 cm`, then find the maximum permissible error in resistivity ,
    ` rho = ( R ( pi d^(2) // 4)) /( l)`.

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  33. In Ohm's law experiment , the potential drop acros a resistance was as `V = 5.0 V` and the current was measured as `I = 2.00 A`. Find the maximum permissible error in resistance.

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  34. In Searle's exp to find Young's modulus, the diameter of wire is mesured as `D=0.05cm` length of wire is `L=125cm`, and when a weight, `m=20.0 kg` is put, extension in wire was found to be `0.100cm`. Find maximum permissible percentage error in Young's modulus (`Y`)

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  35. To find the value of `g` using simple pendulum , `T = 2.00 s and l = 1.00 m` were measured . Estimate maximum permissible error in `g` . Also find the value of `g`.

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  36. Consider the following data : `10 MSDs = 1 cm , 10 VSDs = 9 MSDs`, zero of vernier scale is to the right of the zero marking of the main scale with `6 VSDs` coinciding with `MSDs` and the actual reading for length measurement is `4.3 cm with 2 VSDs` coinciding with main scale graduations . Estimate the length.

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  37. The side of a cube is measured by vernier callipers (`10` divisions of a vernier scale coincide with `9` divisions of main scale, where `1` division of main scale is `1mm`). The main scale reads `10mm` and first division of vernier scale coincides with the main scale. Mass of the cube is `2.736 g`. find the density of the cube in appropriate significant figures.

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  38. 10 rotations of the cap of a srew gauge is equivalent to 5 mm . The cap has 100 divisons. Find the least count . A reading taken for the diameter of wire with the srew gauge shows four complete rotations and 35 divisions on the circular scale . Find the diameter of the wire.

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  39. The following observations were taken for dtermining the surface tension of water by capillary tube method: diameter of capillary , `D = 1.25 xx 10^(-2) m` and rise of water in capillary , `h = 1.45 xx 10^(-2) m`. Taking ` g = 9.80 m s^(-2)` and using the relation `T = ( r gh//2) xx 10^(3) N m^(-1)`, what is the possible error in measurement of surface tension `T`?
    (a) `2.4%` (b) `15%` (c) `1.6%` (d) 0.15%`

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter DIMENSIONS & MEASUREMENT of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11