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Complete Solutions to Single Correct of chapter DIMENSIONS & MEASUREMENT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions93
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The equation of a stationary wave is `y=2A sin((2pict)/lambda) cos ((2pix)/lambda)`
    Which of the following is correct?

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  2. Given that ` y =A sin [( ( 2pi )/( lambda ) ( ct -x))] ` ,where y and x are measured in metres. Which of the following statement is true?

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  3. In the relation `( dy)/( dt) = 2 omega sin ( omega t + phi_(0))`, the dimensional formula for ` omega t + phi_(0)` is

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  4. A physical quantity depends upon five factors , all of which have dimensions, then method of dimensional analysis

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  5. A student when discussing the properties of a medium ( except vaccum) writes
    Velocity of light in vaccum = Velocity of light in medium
    This formula is

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  6. Given that `T` stands for time and `l` stands for the length of simple pendulum . If `g` is the acceleration due to gravity , then which of the following statements about the relation `T^(2) = ( l// g)` is correct?

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  7. Refractive index mu is given as `mu=A+B/lambda^2,` where A and B are constants and lambda is wavelength, then dimensions of B are same as that of

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  8. A physical quantity `x` depends on quantities `y and z` as follows : ` x = Ay + B tan ( C z)`, where `A , B and C` are constants. Which of the followings do not have the same dimensions?

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  9. If `L and R` denote inductance and resistance , respectively , then the dimensions of `L//R` are

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  10. The best method to reduce random error is

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  11. A length is measured as `7.60 m`. This is the same as

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  12. Force `F` is given in terms of time `t` and distance `x` by `F = A sin Ct + B cos Dx`. Then the dimensions of `A//B` and `C//D` are

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  13. The dimensional formula for resistivity of conductor is

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  14. The dimensional formula for electric potential is

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  15. The effictive length of a simple pendulum is the sum of the following three : length of string , radius of bob , and length of hook.
    In a simple pendulum experiment , the length of the string , as measured by a meter scale , is `92.0 cm`. The radius of the bob combined with the length of the hook , as measured by a vernier callipers , is `2.15 cm`. The effictive length of the pendulum is

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  16. The frequency `(n)` of vibration of a string is given as ` n = (1)/( 2 l) sqrt((T)/(m))` , where `T` is tension and `l` is the length of vibrating string , then the dimensional formula is

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  17. In the relation ` y = r sin ( omega t - kx)`, the dimensions of `omega//k` are

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  18. The dimensions of `epsilon_(0)mu_(0)` are

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  19. Which of the following quantities has its unit as newton - second?

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  20. If frequency `F`, velocity `V` , and density `D` are considered fundamental units , the dimensional formula for momentum will be

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  21. If force `F`, acceleration `a, and time `T` are taken as the fundamental physical quantities , the dimensions of length on this systemof units are

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  22. If the percentage errors of `A,B,and C are a, b, and c,` respectively ,then the total percentage error in the product `ABC` is

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  23. Which of the following numbers has least number of significant figures?

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  24. The dimensional formula for magnetising field `H` is

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  25. The dimensions of intensity of wave are

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  26. Find the dimensions of capacitance.

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  27. What are the dimensions of gas constant ?

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  28. The order of magnitude of `499 is 2`, then the order of magnitude of `501` will be

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  29. The order of magnitude of `0.00701` is

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  30. The order of magnitude of `379` is

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  31. If `X = a + b` , the maximum percentage error in the measurement of `X` will be

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  32. Which of the following is the most precise instrument for measuring length?

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  33. The number of significiant figures in `5.69 xx 10^(15) kg` is

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  34. The position of a particle at time `t` is given by the relation `x(t) = ( v_(0) /( alpha)) ( 1 - c^(-at))`, where `v_(0)` is a constant and `alpha gt 0`. Find the dimensions of `v_(0) and alpha`.

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  35. The time dependence of a physical quantity `P` is given by `P = P_(0)e^(-alpha t^(2))` , where `alpha` is a constant and `t` is time . Then constant `alpha` is//has

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  36. Of the following quantities , which one has the dimensions different from the remaining three?

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  37. The frequency `f` of vibrations of a mass `m` suspended from a spring of spring constant `k` is given by `f = Cm^(x) k^(y)` , where `C` is a dimensionnless constant. The values of `x and y` are, respectively,

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  38. If C ( the velocity of light ) g , ( the acceleration due to gravity), P ( the atmospheric pressure) are the fundamental quantities in MKS system , then the dimensions of length will be same as that of

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  39. The quantities `A and B` are related by the relation `A//B = m`, where `m` is the linear mass density and `A` is the force , the dimensions of `B` will be

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  40. A physical quantity `X` is represented by `X = (M^(x) L^(-y) T^(-z)`. The maximum percentage errors in the measurement of `M , L , and T`, respectively , are `a% , b% and c%`. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of `X` will be

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  41. The velocity of transverse wave in a string is `v = sqrt( T//m)` where `T` is the tension in the string and `m` is the mass per unit length . If `T = 3.0 kgf`, the mass of string is `v = 1.000 m `, then the percentage error in the measurement of velocity is

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  42. Write the dimensions of `a//b` in the relation `P = ( a - t^(2))/( bx)` , where `P` is the pressure , `x` is the distance , and `t` is the time .

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  43. Write the dimensions of `a xx b `in the relation `E = ( b - x^(2))/( at)`, where `E` is the energy , `x` is the displacement , and `t` is the time.

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  44. If the velocity of light `(c )` , gravitational constant `(G)` , and Planck's constant `(h)` are chosen as fundamental units , then find the dimensions of mass in new system.

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  45. In the relation `V = ( pi)/( 8) ( P r^(4))/( nl)` , where the letters have their usual meanings , the dimensions of `V` are

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  46. The length l , breadth b, and thickness `t` of a block of wood were measured with the help os a measuring scale. The results with permissible errors ( in cm) are
    `l = 15.12 +-0.01, b = 10.15+-0.01` , and `t = 5.28 +- 0.01`.
    The percentage error in volume up to proper significant figures is

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  47. The relative density of a material of a body is found by weighing it first in air and then in water. If the weight of he body in air is `W_(1) = 8.00 +- N` and the weight in water is `W_(2) = 6.00 +- 0.05 N`, then the relative density `rho_(r ) = W_(1)//( W_(1) - W_(2))` with the maximum permissible eror is

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  48. The number of particles is given by `n = -D(n_(2) - n_(1))/( x_(2) - x_(1))` crossing a unit area perpendicular to X - axis in unit time , where `n_(1)and n_(2)` are particles per unit volume for the value of `x` meant to `x_(2) and x_(1)` . Find the dimensions of `D` called diffusion constant.

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  49. If `E , M , J , and G` , respectively , denote energy , mass , angular momentum , and gravitational constant , then `EJ^(2) //M^(5) G^(2)` has the dimensions of

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  50. If `L, R , C , and V`, respectively , represent inductance , resistance , capacitance and potential difference , then the dimensions of `L //RCV` are the same as those of

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  51. The momentum of inertia of a body rotating about a given axis is `12.0 kg m^(2)` in the SI system . What is the value of the moment of inertia in a system of units in which the unit of lengths is `5 cm` and the unit of mass is `10 g`?

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  52. If the velocity `(V)` , acceleration `(A)` , and force `(F)` are taken as fundamental quantities instead of mass `(M)` , length `(L) , and time (T)` , the dimensions of young's modulus `(Y)` would be

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  53. The percentage errors in the measurement of mass and speed are `2% and 3%` , respectively . How much will be the maximum error in the estimation of `KE` obtained by measuring mass and speed?

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  54. An experiment from `X = (a^(1//2) b^(2))/( c^(3))` . If the percentage errors in ` a, b , and c are +- 1% , +- 3% , and +- 2%` , respectively , then the percentage error in `X` can be

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  55. The resistance of a metal is given by `R = V//I` , where `V` is potential difference and `I` is current . In a circuit , the potential difference across resistance is `V = ( 8 +- 0.5) V` and current in resistance , `I = ( 4 +- 0.2)A`. What is the value of resistance with its percentage error?

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  56. Which of the following product of `e , h , mu , G` ( where ` mu` is permeability ) be taken so that the dimensions of the product are same as that of the speed of light ?

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  57. Which of the following does not have the dimensions of velocity ? ( Given `epsilon_(0)` is the permittivity of free space , `mu_(0)` is the permittivity of free space , `v is frequency , lambda` is wavelength , `P` is the pressure , and `rho` is density , `k` is wave number , `omega` is the the angular frequency)

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  58. The mass of the liquid flowing per second per unit area of cross section of the tube is proportional to `P^(x) and v^(y)` , where `P` is the pressure difference and `v` is the velocity , then the relation between x and Y is

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  59. A physical quantity `x` is calculated from ` x = ab^(2)//sqrt(c )`. Calculate the percentage error in measuring `x` when the percentage errors in measuring a , b , and c are 4 , 2 , and 3%, respectively .

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  60. Given that `Y = a sin omegat + bt + ct^(2) cos omegat`. The unit of `abc` is same as that of

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  61. The potential energy of a particle varies with distance `x` from a fixed origin as `U = (A sqrt(x))/( x^(2) + B)`, where `A and B` are dimensional constants , then find the dimensional formula for `AB`.

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  62. If `x and a` stand for distance , then for what value of `n` is the given equation dimensionally correct? The equation is
    `int (dx)/( sqrt ( a^(2) - x^(n))) = sin^(-1) (x)/(a)`

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  63. The specific resistance `rho` of a circular wire of radius `r`, resistance `R`, and length `l` is given by `rho = pi r^(2) R//l`. Given : ` r = 0.24 +- 0.02 cm , R = 30 +- 1 Omega` , and `l = 4.80 +- 0.01 cm`. The percentage error in `rho` is nearly

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  64. Using mass `(M)` , length `(L)` , time `(T)` , and electric current `(A)` as fundamental quantities , the dimensions of permitivity will be

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  65. Assuming that the mass `m` of the largest stone that can be moved by a flowing river depends upon the velocity `v` of the water , its density `rho` , and the acceleration due to gravity `g` . Then `m` is directly proportinal to

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  66. A sperical body of mass `m` and radius `r` is allowed to fall in a medium of viscosity `eta`. The time in which the velocity of the body increases from zero to `0.63 ` times the terminal velocity `(v)` is called constant `(tau)`. Dimensionally , `tau` can be represented by

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  67. A student writes four different expressions for the displacement `y` in a periodic motion . Which of the following can be correct?

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  68. The relation `tan theta = v^(2)// r g` gives the angle of banking of the cyclist going round the curve . Here `v` is the speed of the cyclist , `r` is the radius of the curve , and `g` is the acceleration due to gravity . Which of the following statements about the relation is true ?

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  69. A liquid drop of density `rho` , radius `r`, and surface tension `sigma` oscillates with time period `T` . Which of the following expressions for `T^(2)` is correct?

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  70. A highly rigid cubical block `A` of small mass `M` and side `L` is fixed rigidly on the other cubical block of same dimensions and of modulus of rigidity `eta` such that the lower face of `A` completely covers the upper face of `B`. The lower face of `B` is rigidly held on a horizontal surface . `A` small force `F` is applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of `A`. After the force is withdrawn , block `A` executes faces of `A`. After the force is withdrawn , block `A` exceutes small oscillations , the time period of which is given by

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  71. The mass of a body is `20.000 g` and its volume is `10.00 cm^(3)`. If the measured values are expressed to the correct significant figures , the maximum error in the value of density is

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  72. The length of a strip measured with a meter rod is 10.0cm. Its width measured with a venier calipers is 1.00cm. The least count of the meter rod is 0.1 cm and that of vernier calipers 0.01cm. What will be error in its area?

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  73. While measuring the acceleration due to gravity by a simple pendulum , a student makes a positive error of `1%` in the length of the pendulum and a negative error of `3%` in the value of time period . His percentage error in the measurement of `g` by the relation ` g = 4 pi^(2) ( l // T^(2))` will be

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  74. While measuring acceleration due to gravity by a simple pendulum , a student makes a positive error of `2%` in the length of the pendulum and a positive error of `1%` in the measurement of the value of `g` will be

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  75. The relative density of a material is found by weighing the body first in air and then in water . If the weight in air is `( 10.0 +- 0.1) gf` and the weight in water is `( 5.0 +- 0.1) gf`, then the maximum permissible percentage error in relative density is

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  76. The dimensional formula for a physical quantity `x` is `[M^(-1) L^(3) T^(-2) ]` . The errors in measuring the quantities `M , L , and T,` respectively are `2%, 3% , and 4%`. The maximum percentage of error that occurs in measuring the quantity `x` is

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  77. The heat generated in a circuit is given by `Q = I^(2) Rt` , where `I` is current , `R` is resistance , and `t` is time . If the percentage errors in measuring `I , R , and t are 2% , 1% , and 1%` , respectively , then the maximum error in measuring heat will be

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  78. The internal and external diameters of a hollow cylinder are measured with the help of a Vernier callipers . Their values are `4.23 +- 0.01 cm and 3.87 +- 0.01 cm`, respectively . The thickness of the wall of the cylinder is

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  79. Which of the following pairs has the same dimensions?

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  80. Which of the following pairs have different dimensions?

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  81. Pressure is dimensionally

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  82. Which of the following pairs have the same dimensions ?
    (L = inductance , C = capacitance , R = resistance)

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  83. Choose the correct statement(s).

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  84. Which of the following pairs have the same dimensions?

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  85. The values of measurement of a physical quantity in five trails were found to be ` 1.51 , 1.53 , 1.53, 1.52 , and 1.54`.

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  86. If `S and V` are one main scale and one Vernier scale and ` n - 1` divisions on the main scale are equivalent to `n` divisions of the Vernier , then

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  87. Consider three quantities: `x = (E)/( b) , y = (1)/(sqrt( mu_(0) epsilon _(0))) , and z = (l) /( C R)`.
    Here , `l` is the length of a wire , `C` is the capacitance , and `R` is a resistance. All other symbols have usual meanings. Then

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  88. The van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as :
    `(P + (a)/( V^(2))) ( V - b) = RT`
    Where `P` is the pressure , `V` is the molar volume , and `T` is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and `a, b , and R` are constants.
    The dimensions of ` a` are

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  89. The van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as :
    `(P + (a)/( V^(2))) ( V - b) = RT`
    Where `P` is the pressure , `V` is the molar volume , and `T` is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and `a, b , and R` are constants.
    The dimensions of constant `b` are

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  90. The van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as :
    `(P + (a)/( V^(2))) ( V - b) = RT`
    Where `P` is the pressure , `V` is the molar volume , and `T` is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and `a, b , and R` are constants.
    Which of the following does not have the same dimensional formula as that for `RT?`

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  91. The van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as :
    `(P + (a)/( V^(2))) ( V - b) = RT`
    Where `P` is the pressure , `V` is the molar volume , and `T` is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and `a, b , and R` are constants.
    The dimensionsal representation of `ab// RT` is

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  92. The van der Waal's equation of state for some gases can be expressed as :
    `(P + (a)/( V^(2))) ( V - b) = RT`
    Where `P` is the pressure , `V` is the molar volume , and `T` is the absolute temperature of the given sample of gas and `a, b , and R` are constants.
    In the above problem , the dimensional formula for `RT` is same as that of

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  93. Dimensionsal methods provide three major advantages in verification , deviation , and changing the system of units . Any empirical formula that is derived based on this method has to be verified and propportionality constants found by experimental means . The presence or absence of certain factors - non dimensional constants or variables - cannot be identified by this method . So every dimensionally correct relation cannot be taken as perfectly correct.
    If `alpha` kilogram , `beta` meter , and `gamma` second are the fundamental units , `1 cal` can be expressed in new units as `[ 1 cal = 4.2 J]`

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Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter DIMENSIONS & MEASUREMENT of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11